Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Different Types of Loading arms

Loading arm are mechanical arms which helps in transferring the material like liquid gas, oil, or any other substance from one tank to other tank. They are needed to avoid touching with the floor so that pulley can work and balance properly while transferring the substance. Transfer of material can be done from places like tank, trucks, ships, buildings etc to other places of same or different kind.


They are purchased for special purposes where thorough engineering assessment is required. There are many types of Loading arms available in the market with different specifications and functionality. Specification includes all the requirements related to the design demanded by the customers. The specifications of the loading arms should be unique for each application and should be designed according to the complexity, environment, requirements, arm styles etc of the application. Pulleys are required to maintain the balance between the loading arms and also to avoid friction.

Types of Loading Arms

There are many companies selling different varieties of loading arms. The different types of loading arms are

Fuel loading arms-These arms helps in transferring the liquid products to and from tanks.

Chemical loading arms-This helps in loading and unloading the expensive, corrosive and toxic chemicals.

Truck loading arms-This is a design for road and rail tanker which helps in avoiding the contact between man and product while loading and unloading the product.

Stainless-steel loading arms-These loading arms are made up of the material stainless-steel which are required for some specific applications.

Marine loading arms-These loading arms are useful for loading and unloading the ship. Balancing of this arm is done by moving and rotating the arms while transferring the product. There are some symmetric design also available for marine loading arms such as

Two marine loading arms connected to ship.

Marine arms with long outboard.

Bottom loading arms-It helps in unloading many tanks simultaneously by increasing the speed and efficiency of loading. It takes place on the ground and makes the loading easy for the operator. They are also used for petroleum Terminals, Oil distribution depots, road and rail tanker loading, top to bottom loading conversions, bottom loading skids etc. There are many varieties available for bottom loading arms such as

E2033 bottom transfer loader.

E2123 –MYR Link arm.

E2304-Bottom Spring Loader.

E2313-Frame Bottom Loader.

Many more.

Top loading arms-They help in loading and unloading of the product. There is manhole on the top the tanker through which the transfer of product can take place. Manhole can be kept open or semi closed depending on the type of product being transferred.

Rail loading arms-These helps in loading and unloading the products to and from the rail cars.


Loading machines helps customers in loading and unloading the products with ease and safety. The designs and specifications of loading arms are improving by the advancement in technology. The basic specifications and requirements are simple and trouble free operation, repairable by the labor, style, design, low maintenance cost, available in different sizes etc. Customers also demand that loading arms should be available in different materials such as carbon steel, aluminum, etc and balancing is mostly demanded to be available in two types, that is,

By spring box

By counter weight.

The quality of loading arms also varies from company to company and by materials used. Companies are providing best quality arms and best services for maintenance. They promise to provide 24 hours services for the repairing of the arms. They also promise the long term commitment of successful operation by the arms. High standards are applied where the concern is regarding the quality and reliability because these two issues are the one by which a company can gain the trust of the customers.

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