Freedom From Fear - 3 Weapons for Beating Panic Attacks and Anxiety and Overcoming Phobias
Faith Stop.
And believe--YOU.
Sounds cliched, I know; but the first step to betterment really is belief.
If you don't believe that there is a meaningful connection between your mind and body that you can exploit to heal yourself and regain your grip on life, then you're facing the fight with a handicap.
Fortunately, awareness of this connection can be learned.
Note that I'm not talking about making a religious commitment (though an existing one may be helpful) or some nonsensical New-Age fad.
I'm talking about you choosing RIGHT NOW to fully invest yourself in the idea that your goal of peace, joy, and freedom from psychological distress is ACTUALLY within your reach at this very moment.
Nutrition Brace yourself for a bold statement: there isn't a single bodily ailment that can thrive in the face optimal nutrition.
Not one.
Digest that for a moment (see what I did there?;).
Absorb it, feel it.
It's the second step to healing.
Constipation, tartar build-up, dermatitis, gout--anything you can name--can be eliminated or vastly reduced through the use of good nutrition.
Anxiety is no exception.
It doesn't matter if yours stems from an organic disorder in the brain, a response to stress or past traumas, or if you don't know where it started--a flustered, panicked, anxiety-riddled mind cannot exist in a healthy happy body.
I know what you're thinking-"I'm already miserable; forcing down carrots and sprouts is only going to make me feel worse.
" Take heart.
For anxiety sufferers, good nutrition doesn't have to mean a raw food diet or eliminating the foods you love.
The key to nourishing the panicked/phobic brain is knowing what to eat and what not to eat.
Unbeknown to you, you could be noshing on the very foods that trigger panic attacks and nixing the ones that can soothe or prevent anxiety in minutes.
Guidance There's no way around it.
There's only two ways to succeed; the easy way and the hard way.
The hard way means, working from scratch--plodding a path through the jungle, thrashing your way through the thorns, thistles, and snares.
Or the easy way; traveling the path of one who went before you and made it to the other side.
If you're at the end of your of your rope, if you feel as though you've got a foot in the grave because life is ticking away as you suffer; crippled with anxiety; if you're searching for the place where pain ends and healing begins, - then start here.
And believe--YOU.
Sounds cliched, I know; but the first step to betterment really is belief.
If you don't believe that there is a meaningful connection between your mind and body that you can exploit to heal yourself and regain your grip on life, then you're facing the fight with a handicap.
Fortunately, awareness of this connection can be learned.
Note that I'm not talking about making a religious commitment (though an existing one may be helpful) or some nonsensical New-Age fad.
I'm talking about you choosing RIGHT NOW to fully invest yourself in the idea that your goal of peace, joy, and freedom from psychological distress is ACTUALLY within your reach at this very moment.
Nutrition Brace yourself for a bold statement: there isn't a single bodily ailment that can thrive in the face optimal nutrition.
Not one.
Digest that for a moment (see what I did there?;).
Absorb it, feel it.
It's the second step to healing.
Constipation, tartar build-up, dermatitis, gout--anything you can name--can be eliminated or vastly reduced through the use of good nutrition.
Anxiety is no exception.
It doesn't matter if yours stems from an organic disorder in the brain, a response to stress or past traumas, or if you don't know where it started--a flustered, panicked, anxiety-riddled mind cannot exist in a healthy happy body.
I know what you're thinking-"I'm already miserable; forcing down carrots and sprouts is only going to make me feel worse.
" Take heart.
For anxiety sufferers, good nutrition doesn't have to mean a raw food diet or eliminating the foods you love.
The key to nourishing the panicked/phobic brain is knowing what to eat and what not to eat.
Unbeknown to you, you could be noshing on the very foods that trigger panic attacks and nixing the ones that can soothe or prevent anxiety in minutes.
Guidance There's no way around it.
There's only two ways to succeed; the easy way and the hard way.
The hard way means, working from scratch--plodding a path through the jungle, thrashing your way through the thorns, thistles, and snares.
Or the easy way; traveling the path of one who went before you and made it to the other side.
If you're at the end of your of your rope, if you feel as though you've got a foot in the grave because life is ticking away as you suffer; crippled with anxiety; if you're searching for the place where pain ends and healing begins, - then start here.