Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

Glossary Term: Debarking


Debarking is a term mainly used for dogs, but cats and other animals can also be "debarked." This surgery involves cutting the vocal cord tissue, located in the laryngeal area of the throat. This procedure is done under anesthesia and the vocal cords are accessed via the mouth or through an incision in the throat.

This surgery is not without potential complications and doesn't stop the dog's desire to bark.

Common complications are scarring, reduced size of the larynx, bleeding, infection and regaining ability or partial ability to bark.

This surgery is also not without controversy. It is banned in some countries and not all veterinarians will perform a debark surgery. The official position of the AVMA on devocalization is that the surgery should only be performed by "qualified, licensed veterinarians as a final alternative after behavioral modification efforts to correct excessive vocalization have failed." (AVMA policy page

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  • The pros and cons of debarking
    From Kansas State University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
  • Bebarking surgery won't take away dog's motivation to bark

  • Photo: Montara Barking by Perfecto Insecto on Flickr

    Also Known As: devocalization, bark softening, ventriculocordectomy, vocal cordectomy

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