Business & Finance Entrepreneurship-startup

Network Marketing...What is it?

The basic idea: Instead of spending tons of money on all sorts of professional agencies and marketing channels to promote products or services, why not pay the people who love them the most to just tell others about them. Quoted by: Robert Kiyosaki  In other words...  

Instead of any business wasting thousands, even "millions" of dollars on all sorts of advertisements...They pay out the big money to the masses of walking, talking, breathing advertisements, also known as "people" or in business terms; "associates". This is only one small key reason why people are joining the industry by the thousands every month! In most cases; a major factor in someone wanting to join the Network Marketing industry is because of "ONE" reason...TIME FREEDOM!!! We all know that time is not guarenteed in this lifetime, well we should know that. The problem is, most of us take life for granite and just go about our days with the casual mindset hoping something like "success" will just be handed to us. I got news for you, it WON'T happen! Unless your like the 1%'ers on this planet that were born into "riches" or successful and eventful lifestyles...So, for the rest of the 99% of our population, what are "we" doing??? Maybe my % analogy is a little off but you know what, I'm trying ok...So bare with me here! Some questions to ask yourself to see if you qualify for entering the Network Marketing Business: Where in your life are you unhappy? Where are you settling in your life? Does your current job pay you how much you know your worth? Do you get the respect and recognition you think you deserve at work? At home? If not...why? What is keeping you loyal to your current job? If it's not the money...then what is it? Ask yourself what aspects of your life are "comfortable" for you? For your family? Have you ever got outside your "comfort zone" and tried something different? If come? Do you really expect to ever know or reach your full potential at anything you do if you never get outside this comfort zone? Parents, have you ever told your kids you couldn't afford something?...If you did that make you feel? If you answered yes to even just ONE of these questions than I have good news for you...YOU QUALIFY!!!

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