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Night Club Lighting

Nightclubs frequently require jazzy, modern lighting and special effects, such as flashing lights of many colors, moving light beams, and smoke machines.
A disco ball is an important feature of nightclub lighting.
A disco ball is a rotating football-sized spheroid hung from the ceiling, covered with numerous small flat light-reflectors, with a light beam aimed at it.
Light reflections produce a large number of moving light spots on the floor and on people.
Some nightclubs arrange foam parties where a dance floor is filled with soap lather that may not be too slippery.
Modern stage lighting is a versatile tool in production of opera, dance, theater, and other presentation arts.
Various kinds of stage lighting devices are used to highlight stage effects, provide dramatic background scenes and so on.
There are some general principles for lighting a stage, but no rigid rules can be applied in order to allow imaginative special effects for a nightclub.
Some of these principles are illumination, revelation of form, focus, mood, location and time, projection elements, plot, and selective visibility.
Nightclubs can adopt some of these light effects to create the right kind of ambience needed for it.
Illumination means ability to see what is happening onstage.
Any illumination plan will be unsuccessful if an audience has to strain to see characters, unless this is a clear intention.
Revelation of form means changing the perception of shapes onstage, mostly three-dimensional stage elements.
Focus denotes directing the audience's concentration to an area of a stage, or distracting them from another.
"Mood" means the tone of a view or environment.
For example, harsh red light has a completely different effect than soft lavender light.
Colors of lights can also achieve a desired effect of depicting time.
Blues usually denote nighttime while orange and red can imply a sunrise or sunset.
Lighting may also be used to project a specific view, or to act as scenery onstage.
Special effects may be employed to show areas of a stage, which a designer wants an audience to see.

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