Health & Medical Lose Weight

Should Coffee Be In Your Weight Loss Program?

Should drinking lots of coffee be part of a weight loss program? Is it good or bad for your diet to stop at Starbucks on your way home from the gym? Without scientific support, men and women in surveys claim that caffeine increases their metabolic rate and fights off hunger for short periods of time.
While there are two sides to every argument, some specialists believe that coffee is good for weight loss.
Experts speculate that the caffeine found in coffee causes your body to produce energy from food that has been eaten, and can actually help with short-term physical activities, such as team sports.
In fact, it allows people to exercise harder without growing achy.
Fatigue is fought off, and you can grow more vigilant.
Another theory claims that you urinate more from drinking caffeine, resulting in less body fat.
To sum it up, many researchers believe that coffee can actually help you lose weight.
Before you go running to the grocery store to stock up on coffee beans, you should know the down-sides to drinking too much caffeine for quick weight loss.
First of all, sipping java will not be an overnight remedy to get skinny.
When it comes to weight loss of any kind, the drink will cause a slow and gradual difference on your scale, if any.
At the same time, too much caffeine leads to insomnia, anxiety, upset stomachs and even high blood pressure.
Meanwhile, many specialized flavors of coffee are rich in calories.
In fact, many men and women believe that giving up coffee as part of a weight loss program has actually helped their weight loss efforts.
They feel that the addictive stimulant alters their moods, as well as adds to the size of their bellies.
Coffee plays with the chemicals in your brain, causing you to feel more alert.
Yet, it can also make you feel nervous, as your blood sugar levels will fluctuate.
The drink rouses your adrenals, leading to release of sugars in your body.
Getting quality sleep becomes difficult.
Too often, this unwanted effect is enough to cause stress and anxiety.
With you urinated so often, you are losing vital minerals, such as magnesium, potassium and sodium.
Folks also tend to consume fattening snacks, such as doughnuts, when they take their little coffee breaks at work.
Think about it, how often do you order a piece of fruit to go along with your coffee? Many physicians refer to caffeine as an artificial stimulant.
Rather than caffeine, your weight loss program should depend on smart foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to give your body energy and mental alertness.
Instead of coffee, drink plenty of water every day.
Not only will H2O fill up your belly and cause you to eat less, it will also clean unhealthy toxins out of your body.
Experts recommend drinking 8 glasses a day.
If water is simply too boring for your taste, try drinking green tea to assist with all of your weight loss efforts.

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