Cars & Vehicles Safe Driving & Driving Test Techniques

The Importance of Properly Inflated Tires

Believe it or not, your car is one of the most incredible inventions in human history. What would the world be like without some form of locomotion, transportation, haulage, or shipment? How would your packages, parcels, pooches, persons, and prosperity get anywhere without a vehicle of some kind taking it from point 'a' to point 'b'? Yes, vehicles of all types are essential to human prosperity (since so few people actually walk anymore), and what is the most important part of the vehicle aside from the parts that make it go (engine, transmission, and battery)? Well, you can have all the mechanical pieces of the vehicle warmed up and ready to go, but it really couldn't go anywhere without wheels.

The tire has been in use since man realized the sap of the rubber tree (yes, that's a real plant) had incredible properties. Today, most rubber and plastics are made from synthetic rubber tree sap, but the uses are the same--tires are made from rubber and tires make the car go--vroom, vroom.

When it comes to your vehicle's tires, there are certain maintenance issues that need to be addressed on a regular basis. The most important of these issues is the proper air pressure level. Tire pressure is maintained through inflating your tires using an air compressor (these are finely tuned machines that require special compressor parts, usually Ingersoll rand compressor parts). Properly and improperly inflated tires can have positive and dire consequences.

Traction Action

There have been many tests, including a few myths busted, regarding the amount of traction your tires provide at certain levels of inflation. When your tire has less air pressure, meaning its running a little on the flat side, you actually have more traction on the road. This is important when icy, rainy, or snowy weather invades. The more traction you have, the less likely you are to skid, hydroplane, or slide into the car in front of you as you try to stop suddenly.

The Beastly Blowout

Over inflating your tires can be costly, and we're not just talking about the cost of replacing your tires when they experience a blow out; it can also cost lives. When you increase the outward pressure of the tire by inflating it too much, once the over inflated tire meets the inward pressure of the black top, there can be catastrophic consequences. Many people lose their lives when their over inflated tires blow and they lose control of their vehicle.

Going Green on the Black

Those lovely air compressors with their special compressor parts (usually Ingersoll rand compressor parts), can save you money on gasoline. When your tires are inflated properly, there is less pull from the road which lessens the amount of forward movement the vehicle must exert in order to go a certain speed. Yeah, there is a lot of science in there, but ask any engineer and they'll tell you that the properly inflated car can save you money at the pump.

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