Health & Medical Women's Health

Natural Cures For Vaginal Bacterial Infection

The truth is that most doctors just do not have the time to properly help women who suffer from vaginal bacterial infection.
Indeed, a visit to the doctor will normally result in a prescription for antibiotics as treating this type of problem correctly requires a more indepth approach.
By far the most common type of infection is known as bacterial vaginosis.
Characterized by a foul, fishy smelling discharge which is watery and gray or white in color, this is embarrassing for the woman herself and, quite frankly, unpleasant for her partner.
The only true way to deal with the problem is by using natural cures for vaginal bacterial infection.
This is because antibiotics and over the counter remedies use a one-dimensional approach and their use is very limited.
Treating this condition requires a multifaceted approach and knowing a little about BV will help you understand why.
BV is caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina.
It is often difficult to determine why this has happened, but common causes include smoking, a change in sexual partner, being "under the weather", having nutritional deficiencies, overwashing, douching, using an IUD and using harsh, perfumed products around the vagina.
Although not exhaustive, you can see that there are many reasons why women might have a vaginal bacterial infection! When the imbalance occurs, it allows for the growth of harmful bacteria.
This is where the role of antibiotics come in.
Although antibiotics will kill bacteria, they cannot distinguish between the different strains and will also eliminate protective strains.
This means that once the treatment has finished, there is no protection and the whole cycle often starts again.
To be successful, treatment needs to be multifaceted and should include the following elements:- * Symptomatic relief * Replenishment of good bacteria * Killing harmful bacteria * Rebalancing the pH imbalance * Elimination of possible causes To get you started, try the following natural cures for vaginal bacterial infection to get some relief * Try soaking a tampon in live, probiotic yogurt and inserting for an hour or two to replenish depleted supplies of bacteria * Add a couple of cups of cider vinegar to your bathwater * Try tea tree oil pessaries-this powerful antibacterial oil can help to destroy harmful bacteria

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