Health & Medical Women's Health

Faulty GHD Hair Straighteners - You Need to Know, It Could Be Costly to Return Them to GHD

GHD hair straighteners, every style conscious lady has one.
Listed in the top 5 must have gadgets for girls over the last ten years.
We all know they come at a price.
A new pair of GHD stylers can set you back over £100 but you girls swear by them.
Personally I don't need to use them, I am a middle aged guy with short reseeding hair but I speak to you girls all the time running a busy professional GHD repairs business.
We have a customer service telephone line so I quite often get a few stories about what is wrong with the faulty GHD's.
I have to say I surprised to hear that more and more I am hearing of complaints from customers who return the faulty GHDs outside the warranty period with the manufacturer.
Now I cannot say that all these stories are completely accurate but I would suggest you contact the manufacturer before you send in your out of warranty GHD in for repair to make sure they are able to repair them or not and also that it will not cost them a big fee to have them returned to you if they are not.
A note of warning, I have heard from dozens of people who send in the older shape GHD irons in for repairs that they are often told that parts are no longer available for these models and they cannot be repaired.
I have also heard that there is a fee of about £10 to have these faulty GHD's returned to their rightful owners.
This obviously leaves the owners of the faulty GHD straighteners with an expensive dilemma.
Before they even start looking for another GHD repair service it will cost them an extra £10 just to get THEIR GHD's back to them, it has all ready cost them the true cost of sending the irons say tops £5 in the first place to the manufacturer.
So that is £15 just to be have their own irons back before looking to find a company that will professionally repair their high end GHD hair straighteners fixed.
THE TRUTH Over 95% of faulty GHD straighteners with an electrical fault can be repaired simply and easily.
Compatible parts are available even for older models.
In fact most older GHD models we see for repairs either require a replacement thermal for or even something as simple as a change of power cable.
There are now several professional GHD repairs companies available online who will guarantee they can fix your GHD hair straighteners for under £20, if they cannot repair the GHD's they will return them to you and give you your money back.
There is no limit to how old the straighteners are and no extra cost for parts.
The GHD repair services offered includes all parts, labour and return postage.
The moral to this story is simple, please check before you send your irons to anyone that they do repair older models and that they will not charge you an are and a leg to return them if they cannot be fixed.
Please see our resources box bellow for GHD repairs services available online for under £20 with nothing more to pay on older and newer GHD hair straighteners

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