Health & Medical Depression

Phenibut: An Effective Alternative to Antidepressants?

All of us get the blues, feel down in the dumps, or simply feel sad from time to time.
That's what it means to be a human being.
We react and respond to life's up and downs as they inevitably occur.
But when we are beset by persistent and intense feelings of despondency, helplessness, hopeless, even worthlessness, the issue may be more something more than sadness.
It may be a serious mental disorder that impacts our ability to function normally for days, weeks, even years at a time! According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), depression affects nearly 1 in 10 U.
adults each year.
Yet in spite of its prevalence and seriousness, only about half of those diagnosed with the disorder receive the treatment they need.
Why is this? One obvious explanation is that some of these patients cannot stomach conventional treatment options.
The Dangers of Antidepressants In addition to a laundry list of serious side effects that include nausea, fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision, and anxiety, most prescription antidepressants are not only highly addictive, but also toxic.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these popular pills were responsible for 18 percent of prescription drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2010.
It is no wonder some depression sufferers eschew these potentially dangerous medications altogether.
But even if prescription pills are not the answer, neither is ignoring the problem.
Although depressive episodes may come and go, the frequency and severity of symptoms tend to increase over time.
Without treatment, many who suffer from occasional bouts of depression in their younger years develop chronic or clinical depression as they age.
A far more serious mental affliction, clinical depression is now the leading cause of disability in the U.
for ages 15-44.
What is Phenibut? Discovered in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, phenibut is a neuropsychotropic drug that mimics the effects of a brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
The chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in human beings, GABA helps control neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system.
Like the brain chemical from which it was derived, phenibut also produces feelings of calm that may quell errant stress and anxiety.
Sold as a prescription medication in Russia and an over-the-counter dietary supplement everywhere else, phenibut is considered a nootropic because it has cognitive enhancing effects.
With that said, most of the testing that has been completed on the drug has demonstrated its efficacy as an anxiolytic, or anxiety-relieving medication.
Because its mechanism of action is understood, since it mirrors those of a known brain chemical (GABA), phenibut is considered the most effective anxiolytic of the nootropic drug class.
How it works Our brains are loaded with billions upon billions of protein molecules that receive and respond to chemical signals.
Called receptors, those that respond to the neurotransmitter GABA come in two classes: GABAa and GABAb.
As a derivative of the naturally-occurring brain chemical, phenibut is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and act as a GABA-mimetic on both classes of receptors, but primarily at GABAb.
The calming effect of this action helps relieve tension, anxiety, fear, and may even improve sleep.
For these reasons, it is widely prescribed to neurotic patients in Russia.
Phenibut for Depression As we said at the outset, everybody gets sad or upset from time to time.
But the reason depression is different, the reason it is a medical condition instead of a temporary mood or state of mind is because it produces chemical imbalances in the brain.
Decades or research and countless studies have confirmed that depressed individuals have lower levels of dopamine in their bodies.
A powerful neurotransmitter that plays an important role in reward-motivated behavior, those with a dopamine deficiency often experience bouts of low energy, lack of motivation, hopelessness, and despondency.
In other words, they feel depressed.
Because it stimulates dopamine receptors, phenibut helps get our brains back on track when dopamine falls below healthy levels.
Who should take it? Phenibut gained widespread acceptance in Russia due to its association with the Soviet space program.
Because cosmonauts needed a drug that would help alleviate stress and anxiety without adversely affecting performance, they could not use conventional tranquilizers.
After years of intense, exhaustive testing, doctors selected phenibut as a replacement because it has none of the negative side effects of other anti-anxiety medications.
In Russia, phenibut is used to treat everything from alcoholism to irregular heartbeat and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Outside of Russia, the drug is sold as an nootropic that has proven anxiolytic properties.
Though the claim that phenibut can improve cognitive function requires additional study, it is not inconceivable that the drug could increase mental clarity.
In other words, it won't make you smarter; but by reducing symptoms of social anxiety, it could make it easier to focus on the task at hand.
With that said, phenibut is a borderline nootropic, at best.
It's proven mechanism of action results in anxiety reduction, which is why the drug is used for those purposes in Russia, where it was invented and originally tested.
Further Research For the millions that suffer from severe depression, phenibut is a promising alternative to antidepressants.
Because it is a derivative of a naturally-occurring brain chemical, it does not carry with it the serious side effects of many antidepressants.
As far as we know, there have not been any overdose deaths associated with the drug, either in Russia or outside of it.
Of course, that does not mean that phenibut is innocuous; it is one of the most powerful anxiolytics currently available without a prescription.
For those that struggle with anxiety and/or depression, phenibut should only be taken if approved by a physician.
Symptoms of withdraw and tolerance have been reported, which is why many patients cycle on and off the drug as needed.
Daily usage is generally not recommended, even for those that suffer from clinical depression and/or severe anxiety disorders.
Conclusion A powerful anxiolytic that has been shown to stimulate dopamine receptors in the brain, phenibut may offer peace and calm to those that struggle with depression.
While more investigation is definitely needed, the drug does appear to produce a feeling of well-being and satisfaction that are consistent with increased levels of dopamine in the body.
As such, the supplement may benefit those that are plagued by chronic stress, which may be a precursor to depression.

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