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How to Write a Service Agreement for Networking Groups

    • 1). Title the document "Terms of Use" and the first section "Agreement Between (Group Participant) and (Network Group Title)." Explicitly state the purpose of the network group. Note that network services are available only for official members and constitutes only website links and other data approved by group executives. State that the agreement is subject to modification at any time.

    • 2). Title the second section "No Improper Use." Explain that network members are only allowed to use group resources honestly and in accordance with the law. State that no unlawful or improper use of network resources is allowed or will be tolerated. Note that improper use of resources constitutes any action that may harm or destroy the network group -- or its members -- in any fashion.

    • 3). Title section three "Network Group Participation Rules." List all available network group resources -- newsletters, websites, digital news forums and online social networking communities, for example. State all rules and user guidelines associated with these resources -- actions that are allowed and/or not allowed -- such as using resources only during certain hours and the prohibition of uploading viruses or unethical content to web pages.

    • 4). Include a liability disclaimer. The liability disclaimer should state that any newsgroup inaccuracies -- listing inaccurate content, for example -- will be fixed in a timely manner and this understanding must be accepted by all members. Explicitly state that although membership status may be eliminated due to improper conduct, the networking group is not responsible for the actions of individual manners.

    • 5). Add a section for participant signatures and notarization. Date all documents. Copy and provide the agreement to all signatories.

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