Veterinary Diseases and Conditions
Go to CAT Disease & Conditions information
Go to DOG Disease & Conditions information
Dental Health
Learn more about what causes bad breath, how dental health affects the overall health of the body, and what you can do to keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy. This is a companion piece to The Importance of Dental Care for Pets.
Fat - see Weight Management on this page
Fatty Liver (Hepatic Lipidosis)
(Feline) Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Overview of disease, how it is diagnosed, and how to control it.
Giardia is a one-celled protozoan parasite that lives in the intestinal tract of many animals.Learn about this parasite, how it is transmitted, signs of disease, and how it is diagnosed and treated in this FAQ.
Gingivitis - Dental Health
Having fresh breath isn't the only reason to take care of your pet's teeth - learn how good dental health helps pets live longer, healthier lives.
Overweight - Weight Management
Pancreatitis - Q & A
Veterinary Q & A on this disease in cats (and dogs). What to expect, and how to prevent.
What these worms look like, how they are transmitted, and how to diagnose this common worm infection.
See a photo of an adult tapeworm and learn about the life cycle of this worm, how to diagnose, and how to get rid of it in your pet, from Novartis Animal Health.
Weight Management - Is Your Pet Overweight? Part I
Diet and dietary management when Fido (or Fluffy) tips the scale.
Weight Management - Is Your Pet Overweight? Part II
Exercise tips and suggestions for cats and dogs (humans, too!).
Whip Worms (Trichuriasis)
Whipworms are intestinal parasites that are relatively common in dogs, but only occasionally seen in cats. The medical term for a whipworm infestation is "trichuriasis" -- after the variety of Trichuris species that affect various host species.
Go to DOG Disease & Conditions information
Dental Health
Learn more about what causes bad breath, how dental health affects the overall health of the body, and what you can do to keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy. This is a companion piece to The Importance of Dental Care for Pets.
Fat - see Weight Management on this page
Fatty Liver (Hepatic Lipidosis)
(Feline) Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Overview of disease, how it is diagnosed, and how to control it.
Giardia is a one-celled protozoan parasite that lives in the intestinal tract of many animals.Learn about this parasite, how it is transmitted, signs of disease, and how it is diagnosed and treated in this FAQ.
Gingivitis - Dental Health
Having fresh breath isn't the only reason to take care of your pet's teeth - learn how good dental health helps pets live longer, healthier lives.
Overweight - Weight Management
Pancreatitis - Q & A
Veterinary Q & A on this disease in cats (and dogs). What to expect, and how to prevent.
What these worms look like, how they are transmitted, and how to diagnose this common worm infection.
See a photo of an adult tapeworm and learn about the life cycle of this worm, how to diagnose, and how to get rid of it in your pet, from Novartis Animal Health.
Weight Management - Is Your Pet Overweight? Part I
Diet and dietary management when Fido (or Fluffy) tips the scale.
Weight Management - Is Your Pet Overweight? Part II
Exercise tips and suggestions for cats and dogs (humans, too!).
Whip Worms (Trichuriasis)
Whipworms are intestinal parasites that are relatively common in dogs, but only occasionally seen in cats. The medical term for a whipworm infestation is "trichuriasis" -- after the variety of Trichuris species that affect various host species.