Insurance Insurance

Does Having Life Insurance Make You Suddenly Old?

Deciding to buy life insurance makes me feel old.
We are doing it as the financially responsible thing to do on behalf of the baby we are going to have in a few months.
Doing anything that is financially responsible just sounds like I have officially passed into the adulthood universe my parents live in.
Bob and I are going to have a baby.
It is something we have planned for years.
Having a baby is something that is supposed to be the life changer that makes an adult out of anyone.
For the first time you are totally responsible for another person.
There is no turning back, no committing part way.
The responsibility is yours for the rest of your life even after your child is grown.
That has always been realistic to me and I have looked forward to this time of my life.
Now that it is really happening, having a baby that is, it doesn't seem to me like I am about to become this totally different person.
But getting life insurance on my husband sure seems like it puts me in a different age bracket instantly.
I am not sure I know why that is but Bob and I both want the peace of mind that life insurance gives as regards taking financial responsibility for our baby.
We are going to get term life insurance because it is the cheapest form of insurance compared to the amount of coverage you get.
We are mindful of keeping our bill as low as possible since I will not longer be contributing any income.
I am in the middle of gathering term life insurance quote data in order to compare term insurance rates of as many companies as I can find.
I know once we buy a policy I won't give it another thought.
Thinking about it will just make me feel old.

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