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How to Stop Worrying About What Others Think of You

    • 1). Define your desires. Get clear about your goals and dreams for your self and your life. Define what you want to achieve in your personal, career and spiritual life. Remember, this is about getting clear about what you want, not about fretting about what you think your mother, your father, your spouse, your friends, your coworkers or society as a whole wants for you.

    • 2). Keep your eyes on your prize. Keep focused on the things that YOU want for YOUR life. Keep working toward achieving those things one little step at a time.

    • 3). Ignore the Jones's. What your neighbors do, what your friends do, what your coworkers do, what the people on that reality television show do--these things should not influence what you choose to do with your life.

    • 4). Know your strengths and work to improve your weaknesses. Don't be hard on yourself, but do be honest and objective when examining your life. First, make a list off all your positive traits and good qualities. Do not be humble here! Next, make a list of the areas you would like to improve. Don't beat yourself up over your weaknesses, instead work steadily to improve them. Being confident about what you are good at and knowing where you can grow will keep you from being easily influenced by the opinions others form about your character.

    • 5). Allow room for all types of choices. There are many paths to a good, successful, fulfilling life. Just because somebody chooses a path that is different from yours, does not mean that your life choices are wrong.

    • 6). Take criticism in stride. Laugh at yourself, laugh at the criticizer, acknowledge that everybody has different ways of seeing and doing. If there are lessons you can learn from the criticism, take those lessons, but forget the rest. Take it in stride, take a walk, take a breath, take a bath, but do not take it to heart.

    • 7). Be wary of praise too. While it is important not to let criticism crush your spirit, it is also important not to let praise go to your head. Being overly influenced by people's positive opinions of you can be just as harmful as being overly sensitive to criticism. You shouldn't care about what other people think of you. Period.

    • 8). Remember, most people are too busy thinking about themselves to worry about you.

    • 9). Surround yourself with people who see you, love you for who you are and who can support you to grow into the person you long to become.

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      Ignore jerks, idiots, ignoramuses, egomaniacs and meanies.

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      Be exactly who you are. In this moment, you are beautiful, divine, worthy, just right.

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