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How to Be Great in Bed - 2 Super Easy Ways to Please a Woman Sexually (Anyone Can Do These!)

Who else wants to be great in bed? Sounds silly to ask, right? I mean, just about every man ( and even the women) reading this right now certainly do.
We ALL want to be able to easily please our lovers, and the truth is, in MOST relationships, the number #1 area that most women are dissatisfied is in bed.
And if you are paying any attention to the scary divorce and "cheating" statistics, they show without ANY question that bad sex is one of the primary drivers behind many of the bad breakups that occur every day.
So if you are a man, and worried that YOUR woman may leave..
what can you do to become great in bed? Very simple, actually.
From a woman's perspective, there are about 8 or 9 super important things that we look for between the sheets when it comes to great sex, and we'll share 2 of them with you below.
Read on! Tip #1: Focus on Foreplay! Without question, this is the number one "cause" of sexual dissatisfaction.
Why? It's actually quite easy.
Women have a different sexual response cycle than men do, and it takes more "time" to become aroused physically.
( even though psychologically she can get turned on as fast as you) The key takeaway? If you slow down and take your time, and focus on HER pleasure, you'll have one wild woman on your hands...
and in a hurry! Tip #2: Experiment with Erotica Here is a newsbrief for you: Women enjoy taking chances and exploring their sexuality.
Playing games, trying new things and delving into new and interesting experiences.
Men typically don't.
(or at least think of it on their own!) If you TRULY want to please and pleasure your woman, you'll start to either take the "erotic initiative" on your own, or you'll let her know you're OPEN to whatever she wants to explore.
( within your own comfort zone of course!) The net result? She'll start to open up, and surprise you with things that many shock you, but most likely will turn you on...
and most importantly, keep her from EVER going out and exploring them on her own! 

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