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Process Techniques - Interest-Based Bargaining, BATNA and STN

A variety of techniques are emerging that can be utilized across most of the procedures in the continuum.
Numerous are currently utilized within the water-resources field.
The very best alternatives to negotiations (BATNA) had been pointed out in previous sections.
Singletext negotiation (STN) signifies developing a complete package deal, putting the package deal before parties, revising, and repeating the procedure.
The approach assists parties to envision a complete and encourages them to function off the same page.
Often, even negotiations inside organizations need the assistance of the facilitator or mediator.
The prosperous mediation of operating rules on the Truman Dam about the Osage River utilized STN to break impasse and generate agreement (Moore, 1991).
This technique was crucial in developing the Camp David Accords.
As we have seen in the Niger basin, Law with the Sea, and Antarctic Minerals negotiations, STN is effective for international natural resources problems.
Interest-based negotiations have become the favored technique for integrative bargaining.
This could be contrasted to what is traditionally called positional bargaining.
Positional bargaining is really a negotiation strategy by which a series of positions or alternative solutions that fulfill specific interests or requirements are selected by a negotiator, ordered sequentially based on favored outcomes, and presented to another party in an effort to reach agreement.
The very first, or opening, placement represents the maximum obtain hoped for or expected within the negotiations.
Each subsequent placement demands less with the other party and results in fewer benefits for the person advocating it.
Contract is reached when the negotiators' positions converge and they reach an acceptable settlement variety.
As we've discussed, interest-based bargaining involves events inside a collaborative work to jointly fulfill each other's needs and satisfy mutual pursuits.
Following the interests are identified, the negotiators search jointly for a variety of settlement choices that may satisfy all pursuits.
The events select a solution from these jointly generated options.
This approach to negotiation is known as integrative bargaining because of its emphasis on cooperation, meeting mutual needs, and the efforts by the events to expand the bargaining options so that a wiser decision, with a lot more benefits to all, can be accomplished.

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