Health & Medical Nutrition

Vitamins And Nutrients

There seems to be a big push for everyone to take vitamins every day.
And I ask myself, why? If we have food products to provide us with our nutrients, just why would we need supplements? Let me try to answer that question.
There is a problem.
As I see it, the answer is complex.
First, We don't have a good diet.
And what we do have has no guarantee of containing the proper dose of nutrients needed in the amount we need.
Each body is different and therefore the dosage of nutrients required must be formulated to meet the need of the body..
There can be no master pill or liquid.
Our body works in partnership with what we eat to produce vitamins.
But not all vitamins can be produced in our body.
We need help to keep our body functioning properly.
Because we are two genders we should not expect to find one pill to totally meet the need of each individual.
Each gender has different needs.
For example, men can use Saw Palmetto for their prostate gland.
Women need cranberry for the urinary infection that could happen.
When we choose a vitamin supplement, therefore, I would suggest we start with a multivitamin formula.
Check the label to see if it contains what is known as the daily recommended requirement.
This is usually below what the body needs to repair itself.
but set at a level the body can use to maintain health.
Most of the time we will have to buy separate bottles of the vitamins to bring it up to the level that is needed by our body.
This is where your doctor can help.
Ask him what you need.
Never take more than a multivitamin formula without your doctor's advice.
Let me share with you some examples.
Too much iron happens a great amount of the time in the life of an older person.
If the level of iron exceeds the ability of the body to eliminate it, we could increase the risk of cancer or cardiovascular diseases.
Happily we who are consumers of a Western diet don't need supplements of this nutrient.
The vitamin E is a double edge nutrient.
It is very powerful.
It can protect the retina of the eye against the disease of macular degeneration which can set in when free radicals, evil cells which attack good cells and rust them, causing abnormalities in the macular area of the eye, attack the mucula of the eye and cloud the lens.
Blindness can set in.
But E can keep the free radicals at bay.
Another thing E does is decrease the risk of certain cancers.
Free radical damage again.
Too much E can bring about premature death.
Too much E can thin the blood and cause a hemorrhage.
But you would have to consume over 400 IU to be in this type of danger.
When we come to the B vitamin complex we should be aware a large dose of B6 could cause nerve damage.
So don't separate the B complex.
The exception would be B12 which a lack of could lead you to anemia as it works with your blood cells to produce other blood cells.
B12 is also useful for neurological functioning.
That is just an example of a few vitamins that our body needs and we need to supplement with care.
So why take vitamins? The primary reason is our body needs certain nutrient to function properly.
Our body does not manufacture all we need.
Therefore supplementation is needed.
Consult with your primary care giver before undergoing any massive vitamin program other than multivitamins.
Now go and have a good day.

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