Christian Sex Guide
There are many questions regarding Christian Sex:What is allowable, what techniques and positions are preferable, how often, what about sex toys or intimacy aids, and the list goes on.
A Christian sex guide can clear up many of these issues but often times the answers are not so black and white.
Here is what you will get out of a Christian sex guide: 1.
What is allowable.
While this may seem like a black and white issue, it actually isn't.
A good manual will explain to you that there is some controversy over things like sex positions, sexual intimacy aids, and other issues.
For instance some believe rear entry intimate sex to be a sin and absolutely not allowable.
But, there are many other Christians who have discovered direct Bible passages which seem to justify, allow, and perhaps even encourage rear entry.
So ultimately a good guide will bring up these issues, show you both sides, and allow you and your Christian partner to study the issue together and develop your own conclusion.
Generally a good guide will likely surprise you at what is allowable within Christian sex.
Ways to avoid the common pitfalls.
A Christian sex guide will describe and go into detail the common pitfalls that Christian relationships suffer from in relation to sex, and will outline exactly how to avoid them.
One example is embarrassment and frustration that seems to be a very common thread running through Christian couples in regards to sexual intimacy.
There are some very easy ways to avoid them, and ways to deal with them when and if they do occur.
It can be a real life saver, and can shave off a huge amount of unnecessary stress and discomfort.
Ways to increase intimacy with one another.
A Christian sex guide will provide great tips and techniques on how you, as a Christian couple, can increase intimacy together and become closer through both sexual and spiritual means.
As Christians it can be difficult to find and research ways to increase intimacy in regards to lovemaking.
Thats where a good guide is a really a rare and important tool to have at your side.
You can learn a variety of ways to heat things up sexually while becoming even closer and more loving than you ever would have thought possible.
A Christian sex guide can clear up many of these issues but often times the answers are not so black and white.
Here is what you will get out of a Christian sex guide: 1.
What is allowable.
While this may seem like a black and white issue, it actually isn't.
A good manual will explain to you that there is some controversy over things like sex positions, sexual intimacy aids, and other issues.
For instance some believe rear entry intimate sex to be a sin and absolutely not allowable.
But, there are many other Christians who have discovered direct Bible passages which seem to justify, allow, and perhaps even encourage rear entry.
So ultimately a good guide will bring up these issues, show you both sides, and allow you and your Christian partner to study the issue together and develop your own conclusion.
Generally a good guide will likely surprise you at what is allowable within Christian sex.
Ways to avoid the common pitfalls.
A Christian sex guide will describe and go into detail the common pitfalls that Christian relationships suffer from in relation to sex, and will outline exactly how to avoid them.
One example is embarrassment and frustration that seems to be a very common thread running through Christian couples in regards to sexual intimacy.
There are some very easy ways to avoid them, and ways to deal with them when and if they do occur.
It can be a real life saver, and can shave off a huge amount of unnecessary stress and discomfort.
Ways to increase intimacy with one another.
A Christian sex guide will provide great tips and techniques on how you, as a Christian couple, can increase intimacy together and become closer through both sexual and spiritual means.
As Christians it can be difficult to find and research ways to increase intimacy in regards to lovemaking.
Thats where a good guide is a really a rare and important tool to have at your side.
You can learn a variety of ways to heat things up sexually while becoming even closer and more loving than you ever would have thought possible.