Family & Relationships

How Easy Potting Training Terrible Twos In 3 Days Can Be

I am a mother of two wonderful children, one five year old little girl and one two and a half year old little boy; who you guessed it just finished potty training. Both my children went through the woes of potting training terrible twos but with great success.

I am so excited to share my story with the world in hope that even one person will gain some valuable insight or help from it. The best thing that happened to us was the day my husband came home with a potty training potty chair and said isn't it about time you potty trained our little girl. I sat down and thought well Yes I think it is time. I then thought where do I start? How do you potty train a girl in the best way? How do you potty train a boy in the best way?

I turned to the internet as most do these days and tried many different systems and potty training guides until I finally found a method that worked wonderfully. I must say that the starting point was getting the training potty chair in the house. It forces you to pay attention to potty training your child and also gets their attention that they need to be potty trained. So after you get all the information you need to help your little one, go out and buy the potty. You do not need a fancy singing and dancing potty, a simple cheap potty will get the job done.

It is best to start potty training your child on a Friday night and commit your entire weekend to it. Clear the weekend and plan for home time so that there is no added stress on you or your little one and the focus can be on potty training in 3 days. I found it incredibly freeing and comforting to have a potty training guide to refer to and follow while focusing on making sure my daughter was properly trained and secure in going to the toilet by the end of the weekend. I realized that by making sure I had some go to material on hand to follow it took the stress of me having to think what to do next off my shoulders and let me be there emotionally and mentally for my daughter while she was learning to understand her bodies cues to go to the toilet and how to control them on her own.

Get ahead of the game by focusing on these top 5 points when embarking on your journey of potting training terrible twos:

1) Get prepared by gathering information you are comfortable with to refer to or follow as a guide.

Being prepared not only provides you with a fool proof plan but it gives you peace of mind and in turn peace of heart which your little one will pick up.

2) Buy a training potty seat or potty chair and some fun underwear.

Shopping is fun for the whole family, make an outing of going to buy the potty seat and underwear with your child; this will make them feel excited and special about beginning to potty train.

3) Get your little one excited and make a fun weekend out it.

Plan your weekend of potty training and get your terrible two year old excited about it by telling them all the fun things you will do such as; watching movies, playing games, and having fun snacks.

4) Have rewards for going correcting in the potty on hand.

Even if you are not normally the treat giving type your little one will respond much better to continuing the potty training and keeping with it if you give them a little incentive when they do go correctly.

5) Be consistent so your little one knows what to expect and how to manage it.

Consistency is the most important aspect of any new habit you want your child to master, so be consistent no matter what.

Praise is very important throughout the potty training and the preparation stage, remember to constantly tell your child how proud you are of them and how smart and good they are so they feel encouraged and supported by you. The more confident they feel the more they will trust you when you tell them it will be okay or that the potty seat is not a scary or frustrating place. It is also important to respect them and their desires. For example, if they ask you to leave the room step outside and give them time and privacy. I learned this lesson with my son in the past few months while potty training him.

My son was easier than my daughter but he wanted his privacy, every time I would put him on the potty chair he would tell me to leave the room. I was nervous at first but thought if I want him to feel comfortable and be willing to learn, I would have to listen. I stood outside the door and waited for him to call me. Once he called I would go in and tell him how good he was even if he did not go and would remind him to come back when he was ready.

Pooping in the potty was the scariest part of potting training my son because he did not like that at all. I would put my son on the potty chair to poop and he would pass gas and get scared and jump up. I finally tried giving him water and putting him on the potty chair, he sat and finally after the fifth time without saying anything made a huge poop. I picked him up and cheered for him and got the whole family to cheer and support him too; he was so happy. I gave him his reward, a small piece of chocolate, and told him what a great job he did at only 2 years 3 months old.

I am glad to say after that weekend it only took about another month of wearing diapers at night time only for him to be completely potty trained. I must say potty training a boy was much harder than potty training a girl but with the help of some great material it was a great success.

I never used pull ups, I simply put underwear on them in the day followed the material and had a good and supportive attitude toward my children.

Thank you for reading and happy potty training terrible twos! For more information please visit this link:

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