Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Make an Emergency Plan Kit

    Emergency Plan

    • 1). Sit down with the family and make a plan. During this time you will want to discuss the different types of emergencies with your family and educate the smaller children about what could happen and how they can stay safe. Knowing the steps to take when an emergency strikes will help you and your family be better prepared should the time come.

    • 2). Find a safe room in your home. Should an emergency happen, such as a hurricane or tornado, plan with your family about where you will go in the home. The safest room is generally one in the center of the home with the fewest windows, such as a closet or bathroom. Make sure the family also is aware of the different escape routes in the home and have a designated place to meet if you get separated.

    • 3). Decide with your family if you are staying home or leaving. In the case of some emergencies, such as hurricanes, there is time to evacuate. Sit down with the family and make a plan together and decide if you are going to stay behind and wait out the storm or if you are going to leave town. If you are going to leave town, make plans of where you will go and research area hotels. Make a list of hotels with directions to get there, so when the time comes, you can head there without delay.

    • 4). Take care of the pets. If you are planning on leaving town, know what will happen with the pets. Will they be left with a friend or family member or housed at a local kennel. If you plan to take the pets with you, look into pet-friendly hotels where you plan to evacuate and get all the information necessary regarding pet policies.

    • 5). Select an out-of-town contact. In the case of an emergency, it is a good idea to have someone who lives outside of the area as your family's designated contact. This can be another family member or close friend who can relay messages to other family members concerned about you and your family. This person also can be the point of contact should you and your family get separated during an emergency. Make sure everyone in your family has the number of this contact.

    • 6). Check with your work and children's schools about their plans. Many work locations and schools have plans in place for emergencies. It is a good idea to see what the plans are to know what to do and expect. Keep the plans written down as a reminder when needed.

    • 7). Place the emergency plan into your emergency kit, so you will not have to look for it when needed. This includes the list of hotels, their pet policies, the school's emergency policy, the out-of-town contact person's information and any other contact information you may need.

    Emergency Kit

    • 1). Find a place in your home where you can store your emergency kit. You should designate a place in your home to store the kit once you have it all put together. This should be somewhere that is out of the way, but still easily accessible, such as a closet, corner of the basement or shelving units in the garage. Prepare the area by cleaning it up and making sure there are no hazards nearby, such as something that could be tripped over.

    • 2). Shop for all of the basic emergency necessities. You will want to make a list and go shopping for all of the items you and your family will need in case of an emergency. Items to include are water, nonperishable food, a battery-powered radio, flashlights, batteries, first aid kit, candles, matches, hand wipes, sanitizer and a can opener. You also may want to pick up any additional medications you may need, an extra pair of glasses and pet food essentials.

    • 3). Have enough food and water on hand to last each member of your family for at least 72 hours. This type of kit is commonly referred to as the 72-hour kit and should include a minimum of one gallon of water per day per person. You will need to take into consideration any special needs your family may have, such as a baby, diet or medical conditions requiring extra water.

      You will also want to have plenty of non-perishable food on hand to cover your family for three days. FEMA recommends you stock up on canned foods, salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals and dry mixes. Keep food that will not make you thirsty or that requires water, refrigeration or cooking.

    • 4). Go to the bank. You will want to stop by the bank and get some cash out to store in your emergency kit. Many areas are left without power when a disaster strikes, prohibiting the use of many luxuries to which we have become accustomed, including the use of automatic teller machines, or ATMs.

    • 5). Gather all of your important documents. You will want to find a waterproof and fireproof box to store all important family documents that aren't already in a safe deposit box. Documents may include copies of insurance policies, birth certificates, bank records and any other records that may be difficult to replace. You also may want to get a container to safely store photo albums and other family keepsakes.

    • 6). Pack up your emergency kit. You will want to place all the above items in the kit and add any other necessities your family may need. Don't forget to include some change of clothes, toys or activity books for kids and eating utensils. Store the kit in an out of the way but easy to get to place.

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