Diagnosing Acne
There is no medical test used to diagnose acne.
A diagnosis is made only with a visual examination.
Most people can recognize and diagnose acne themselves; however, there is a tendency to overreact.
One zit or one pimple does not constitute a full-blown case of the disease.
Mild acne can be treated with over-the-counter medications that are readily available at all drug stores and discount depart stores and even at most grocery stores.
There are also a great number of holistic or herbal acne remedies that can be found at herbal shops and health food stores to treat mild cases of acne.
Home remedies for treating mild acne abound.
However, if your acne can't really be classified as "mild"...
that is if you aren't just having the occasional zit...
you really should see a dermatologist.
There are medications available that are only available by prescription.
Acne usually heals itself with time.
Most people simply "outgrow" acne.
By the time the acne sufferer reaches his or her early 20s, the acne problem has mostly been resolved.
The hormones have found a balance, and the body has stopped reacting to the upheaval that they've caused.
The problem is that acne can leave permanent marks on the skin where it has lived.
Deep and disfiguring scars are often the result of severe cases of acne.
That's why it is so important that those who are suffering with acne that cannot be described as "mild" really need to be under the care of a good dermatologist.
If scars are left behind, once the acne has gone away, there is still help out there.
Acne scars can be removed today.
Lasers are primarily used, but there are other treatments for removing acne scars as well.
A diagnosis is made only with a visual examination.
Most people can recognize and diagnose acne themselves; however, there is a tendency to overreact.
One zit or one pimple does not constitute a full-blown case of the disease.
Mild acne can be treated with over-the-counter medications that are readily available at all drug stores and discount depart stores and even at most grocery stores.
There are also a great number of holistic or herbal acne remedies that can be found at herbal shops and health food stores to treat mild cases of acne.
Home remedies for treating mild acne abound.
However, if your acne can't really be classified as "mild"...
that is if you aren't just having the occasional zit...
you really should see a dermatologist.
There are medications available that are only available by prescription.
Acne usually heals itself with time.
Most people simply "outgrow" acne.
By the time the acne sufferer reaches his or her early 20s, the acne problem has mostly been resolved.
The hormones have found a balance, and the body has stopped reacting to the upheaval that they've caused.
The problem is that acne can leave permanent marks on the skin where it has lived.
Deep and disfiguring scars are often the result of severe cases of acne.
That's why it is so important that those who are suffering with acne that cannot be described as "mild" really need to be under the care of a good dermatologist.
If scars are left behind, once the acne has gone away, there is still help out there.
Acne scars can be removed today.
Lasers are primarily used, but there are other treatments for removing acne scars as well.