Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

6 Simple BlackBerry Tricks To Save You Time

Most people who use smartphones like the idea that the phone can make life easier.
With a BlackBerry, plenty of tips and tricks exist to help.
However, some of the tricks are not known.
This article will help show you how you can save time while using your BlackBerry.
  1. When typing on a BlackBerry, if you press space twice after typing, it will add a period.
    By default, the next letter you type will be capitalized.
    Also, when typing "I'm" you do not need to manually type the apostrophe - your BlackBerry will automatically correct the word for you.
    Interestingly enough, you can add as many AutoText entries as you want to make your phone recognize any shorthand words you wish.
  2. Quickly capitalizing letters is easy on a BlackBerry as well.
    Instead of pressing two keys to accomplish a capital letter, simply press and hold the letter you wish to capitalize and your BlackBerry will do it for you.
  3. When typing in fields that expect symbols or periods, you can simply hit 'space' instead of figuring out how to type the symbol.
    This works best when filling out an email address when sending an email or even when typing in a URL (domain name).
  4. Browsing the Internet and reading emails is a breeze when using keyboard shortcuts.
    Instead of using your trackball to scroll throughout pages of information, simply press 'T' to quickly go to the top or 'B' to quickly go to the bottom.
    Additional shortcuts exist but their specifics may depend on the browser you are using.
  5. Your BlackBerry will allow you to perform fast searches.
    To do a fast search, just press 'S' to look within your contacts or messages and 'F' if you wish to browse other applications.
  6. Save power with an Auto On/Off function.
    You can set your phone to automatically shut off at a certain time and program it to turn itself back on at a set time as well.
    This will allow your battery to last even longer.
This small list of BlackBerry tips only touches the tip of the iceberg.
The number of features available to make lives easier on all smartphones, let alone BlackBerry phones, is growing rapidly.
After all, isn't the main point of spending hundreds of dollars on a device each month to help make our lives run more smoothly? Not only can your phone make calls and browse the Web, but you can turn it into literally a time- and energy-saving personal assistant.

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