Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Find Your BMI Index

    • 1). Weigh yourself in pounds.

    • 2). Measure your height in inches.

    • 3). Square your height in inches. (Multiply the number by itself.)

    • 4). Divide your body weight by your height squared.

    • 5). Multiply the result by 703. The result is your body mass index. For example, if you are 150 pounds and 63 inches tall, calculate your BMI as follows: 150/(63x63) = 0.0377 x 703 =26.5.

    • 6). Compare your results to the following ranges: a body mass index below 18.5 indicates that you are underweight while normal range is 18.5 through 24.9. A body mass index of 25.0 through 29.9 indicates that you are overweight, while 30.0 through 34.9 is considered obese and anything over 40.0 is classified as extreme obesity.

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