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Duct Tape Crafts Have Come a Long Way

Duct tape started out its life as gun tape before World War II being produced in olive drab green and slowly progressed into being used on duct work and being produced in the most widely known color of metal gray.
Oh how far we have come! Today, this tape has probably been used by nearly every industry in one form or another.
It is now being produced in every color and pattern imaginable with more being born every day.
These creative crafts have come about in the last few years.
Duct tape crafts have become increasingly very popular.
There are Duct Tape Craft Clubs in local schools, varieties being sold at craft shows and online businesses completely dedicated to selling duct tape products.
This obsession has demanded that the manufacturers of this versatile tape develop new and growing colors and patterns.
The manufacturers have happily and willingly met this demand.
What is All the Excitement About? Well, I will tell you that my initial reaction to the idea of a wallet or purse made out of duct tape was less than thrilling.
In fact, I thought it sounded kind of cheesy.
I mean a wallet or purse made of tape does not sound like your typical high fashion statement.
However, when I actually seen some of the duct tape items that my daughter had made I changed my mind.
I was impressed.
Not only do these layered strips of tape make some very durable fabric when properly positioned, but with the various color and patterns it actually looks pretty classy.
You would not guess what the items were made of just by simply looking at it unless you were to closely inspect them.
In addition to the progress that the tape industry has made over the years, these duct tape crafts have provided a wonderful avenue for families to spend time together, explore personal creativity and, for some; even make some extra money selling their end product.
If you have not yet seen duct tape crafts, you owe it to yourself and your family to check them out.
Try to bypass your initial objections and give it a fair chance.
If you take the time to make one or two, you will find that it is kind of addicting.
So, grab a roll or two of this adaptable tape and sit down with the family and watch the excitement grow!

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