Health & Medical Body building

Weight Lifting Programs - Be Careful!

Have you ever heard the saying "those that can, do and those that can't, teach"? Thanks to the internet that needs to be revised to "those that can, do, those that can't sell those that did".
I don't rant often but now and again things need to be said.
I spend as much time surfing the net as anybody.
When you run a site like I do, it matters that I am providing my visitors with as much practical and useful information as I can.
In so doing I do web searches like anyone would.
Having done this (like the "famous" guru's have) for as long as I have, I know hype and exaggerations when I read them.
It simply kills me to check out a promising site title only to find a flash page for one of the "bodybuilding guru's" weight lifting programs.
I don't have any beef with the "guru".
That person did what they are promoting.
And by "did" I mean they (and I) went through the countless hours of trial and error of trying to find for them selves what would build muscle the best.
After figuring out what worked for them, they put it down on paper and started selling it.
It's the American way.
That's very cool and everything they are selling is based on first hand experience.
But remember, it worked for THEM (which does not mean it will be your best way of muscle building).
But the yahoo's that then take the guru's program and start selling it, that's another matter.
Again, my hat's off to the guy who now has other people selling a weight lifting program that worked for him to other people.
But I find it not only comical but down right criminal that these people "reviewing" others peoples programs don't know which part of the dumbbell to hold.
How do I know they don't? If they did they would create their own program and sell it instead.
And by "reviewing" it what exactly are they doing? Reading it? Or do they actually "use" it for a while? Because if they do, of course it will "work".
ANY routine that you switch to will "work".
Variety is a part of muscle building.
That's the whole point here: Muscle building isn't magic.
And it shouldn't be sold as if it is.
And it absolutely shouldn't be sold by people who try and make you think it is.

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