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What A Corporate Marketer Will NEVER Tell You About Generating Huge Leads!

The biggest secret to my success in network marketing has been building my ability to focus.
I realized this after a discussion with a friend who works as a Marketing Director in the corporate world.
She explained to me the various marketing methods she uses to increase her company's bottom line profits at the end of each month.
Being a marketer myself, I was curious to know how she measured her results.
For her, it was simple.
She just looked at the net profits every month.
"Is that it?" I asked her.
She confirmed it.
I realized there's no real way for corporate advertisers to track exactly where each customer that walks through their door comes from.
What ad did they see on T.
that brought them in?What section of the newspaper were they reading?How many times did they hear the radio ad that finally brought them in? It's probably impossible.
This gives you as an internet marketer a major advantage over a corporation using billboards, radio, and television ads that can only encourage a customer to visit their store.
You have the ability to leverage razor-sharp focused energy to increase your marketing results in a way that a store or restaurant chain simply cannot.
You can measure metrics.
One of the biggest challenges home business owners face is lead generation.
It's important to pick one method, and maximize your focus on it to learn and practice until you're consistently getting 10, 15, or 20 leads a day without breaking the bank.
You can do this by simply measuring and tracking your results.
It's true that what you focus on expands.
In a previous article, I wrote how Mark Joyner teaches the Law of Focused Energy to achieving your goals.
He compares his strategy to a rock and a knife.
A rock is dull and not focused, so it doesn't cut through an object as easily as a knife.
A knife is focused at one point, so a person's arm strength can pierce through an object quickly and easily.
It's amazing how my traffic and leads have steadily increased just by measuring and tracking my results on a daily basis.
By focusing your energies on where your traffic is coming from, your ROI, cost per lead, keywords, and click-through rates, your numbers steadily improve.
Build the habit to look at various tools everyday and see where your results are coming from.
A great tool to use is Google Analytics.
It's a free way to look at traffic, clicks, and graphical charts to break down what marketing methods are working best for you.

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