Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Negotiate Like a Man

    • 1). Prepare for the negotiations. Strategize an effective game plan. Decide on the deal that would satisfy you. Decide what would force you to walk away. Study your opponent. Figure out the strengths and weaknesses of your own side.

    • 2). Earn the opponent's trust. Act cordially throughout the process. Let him know that you value his opinion. Let him voice his entire argument. If your opponent makes an offer first, you have won a primary battle in the negotiations.

    • 3). Try to reach an agreement. If both sides end up happy with a proposed figure, sign the contract and go celebrate.

    • 4). Know when to walk away. Establish a set time period to spend on the negotiations. If you exceed that time trying to strike a deal and the other side has not even come close to what you would accept, walk away. Thank your opponent for his time and move on.

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