Health & Medical Lose Weight

Three Healthy Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

I want to share more healthy lifestyle tips with my friends that want to have healthy weight.
-I don't diet.
I do watch WHAT I eat.
-I never weigh myself.
If my clothes start to get tight I just cut back on the " extra" things.
) Make a list of everything I need to do on a given day.
I also add what I would "like" to do.
I do all the things I need to do first.
This gives me the time to do things I want to do.
As I complete each item on the list, I cross it off.
All those check marks make me feel real good about myself! It's like my own pat on the back.
Good job! Hey we all need that 2.
) I clean my house like company is coming over! I mean I do whatever I can to get it sparkling! Then, who knows maybe I will want to have company over after I have my house sparkling! It makes me feel good about myself to have a clean environment, so that will encourage you too! 3.
) This goes along with cleaning the house.
I go from room to room and gather up garbage from the trash basket and replace the bag as I hurry along.
I try to do this as if I am competing with an Olympic garbage gatherer! Is there such a thing? Oh well don't worry about that! Just gather it up as fast as you can and dump it in the can! You will find yourself enjoying yourself dumping the trash! Did I say taking the trash out could be fun? Yes! See all this has nothing to do with the word diet.
Yet if you try my fun and easy tips you will lose weight! You will notice your clothes are fitting better too! Recycle.
Recycling helps the environment, and the extra effort you use to recycle helps you become a smaller you!Make the most wonderful free soil out of your own kitchen waste! Start a compost pile, and a worm bed to help your plants gets the nutrients they need and you are helping to eliminate waste at the garbage dumps by reusing precious kitchen waste in your soil.
Plant a garden! The exercise you use to help create your garden will make a much smaller you! Then you can enjoy the fruits of your labor too.
There is nothing tastier than a fresh snow pea, or tomato picked right out of the yard!They are not that hard to grow.
Check out my blog for more free green weight loss tips at http://getleangogreen.

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