How Is A Child With Autism Syndrome
Autism is not a disease, but a developmental disorder of brain function.
Symptoms of autism syndrom usually appear during the first three years of childhood and continue through life.
Children are social creatures who like to smile, laugh, cuddle and play.
But there are also children that seem to exist in their own world, where there are repetitive routines, odd behaviors, comunication problems or total lack of social awarness or interest in others.
A child with autism syndrome who goes to school is generally withdrawn and he will not even make eye contact.
Many cildren engage in repetitive movements such as rocking and hair twirling in self-injurious behavior such as biting or head-banging.
Children with autism syndrome tend to start speaking later than usual and tahey refear to themselves by name instead of "I" or "me", they may speak in a sing-sang voice or use peculiar language.
There are some cildren with autism syndrome that are very bright and do very good in school and they may be able to live independently when tahey grow up.
There are autistic cildren with talent in art, music and other area.
There isn't one specific cause of autism syndrome and for that it remaind unknown.
Research has focused on wether chemical inbalances, differences in the brain, genetics or problems of the central nervous sistem.
However, what do we know is that parents do not cause autism.
There is no cure for autism syndrome and children will have it throught taheir live.
Children with autism syndrome need educational programs and a comprehensive evaluation.
Psychiatrists are trained to diagnose children and adolescents with autism sindrome and also to help their families cope the stress.
Also a rege of medication can be prescribed to help reduce aggressive and violent behaviour.
With educational programs designed to meet cildren wit autism syndrome individual needs and specialised adult support services, they can live and sometimes work in the society.
Symptoms of autism syndrom usually appear during the first three years of childhood and continue through life.
Children are social creatures who like to smile, laugh, cuddle and play.
But there are also children that seem to exist in their own world, where there are repetitive routines, odd behaviors, comunication problems or total lack of social awarness or interest in others.
A child with autism syndrome who goes to school is generally withdrawn and he will not even make eye contact.
Many cildren engage in repetitive movements such as rocking and hair twirling in self-injurious behavior such as biting or head-banging.
Children with autism syndrome tend to start speaking later than usual and tahey refear to themselves by name instead of "I" or "me", they may speak in a sing-sang voice or use peculiar language.
There are some cildren with autism syndrome that are very bright and do very good in school and they may be able to live independently when tahey grow up.
There are autistic cildren with talent in art, music and other area.
There isn't one specific cause of autism syndrome and for that it remaind unknown.
Research has focused on wether chemical inbalances, differences in the brain, genetics or problems of the central nervous sistem.
However, what do we know is that parents do not cause autism.
There is no cure for autism syndrome and children will have it throught taheir live.
Children with autism syndrome need educational programs and a comprehensive evaluation.
Psychiatrists are trained to diagnose children and adolescents with autism sindrome and also to help their families cope the stress.
Also a rege of medication can be prescribed to help reduce aggressive and violent behaviour.
With educational programs designed to meet cildren wit autism syndrome individual needs and specialised adult support services, they can live and sometimes work in the society.