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Using Body Language To Attract Women: 3 Essential Tips

Is there anything to the idea that using body language to attract women really works? Could it be true that by making just a few simple posturing changes, you can seem like a person a woman wants to be with? Is using body language to attract women difficult, or can the goal of getting women to feel interested in you be very simply accomplished? The fact is, people find out much more about us by reading our body language than they do by listening to what we are saying.
Here are some simple tips for using body language to attract women.
Before You Start Before you begin working on using the following body language techniques to cause women to feel more attracted to you, you've got to get yourself in the proper mindset.
The biggest secret about body language is this: it's all in your head.
If you feel confident and approachable, you are much more likely to succeed.
So amp yourself up, and get ready to rock.
Use the three following techniques to get a better response from women than ever before.
Step One: Smile and Make Eye Contact Have you ever noticed that when someone gives you a friendly smile, you feel like smiling in return, and you also feel as if that person is more attractive? It's true! A true smile involves the eyes, cheeks and mouth, so if you don't often smile, practice finding things to smile about so you'll be ready to turn up the charm when the time comes.
When you see a woman you want to meet, catch her eye, and give her a friendly smile (not a creepy leer).
Lift your eyebrows just a little - this gives her a subconscious signal that you are interested in her.
Don't stop there and expect her to leap into your arms - it takes more than body language to attract women.
Walk up, say hi, and start a conversation.
Women love confident men, so don't be a weenie.
Step Two: When You Talk, Position Your Body In a Specific Way As you become involved in a conversation, lean in slightly (don't close up your personal space just yet - you don't want to intimidate her or make her think you're a creep) and point your foot toward her.
As you continue talking, you can lean in just a little closer so that it seems you're hanging on every word.
At the same time as you are using body language to attract women, be sure not to let your mind wander - even though women can be chatterboxes, they appreciate it when men actually listen and converse in a meaningful way.
If you can focus enough to interact and have an intelligent conversation, then your chances of actually getting to know a woman you are interested in increase exponentially.
Step Three: Build Intimacy Quickly You can get a woman to feel you are very interested in her, and pique her interest level as well, by mirroring what she is doing.
This is not a game of monkey - see, monkey - do, so don't be too obvious.
You can sit in a similar way to the way she is sitting, synchronize your breathing if possible, and smile when she does.
Keep it up - she will start to wonder where she has met you before.
What To Do Next Once you have a woman talking, keep her interest by listening to what she has to say, and look for things the two of you have in common.
You may find that you're not really interested in her after all, and if that is the case, politely disengage yourself.
If you think you have a chance of pursuing bigger and better things with her, then ask her to go to coffee or go get a drink.
The more you practice using body language to attract women, the easier it will get - soon you'll be a pro, and other guys will wonder what your secret is!

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