Health & Medical Lose Weight

Fat Burning Foods Guide - Part 2

In part 2 of this series, we're going to delve into the complexity of ways in which fat burning foods influence and enhance the fat burning process.
This complexity can result in a virtually infinite number of criteria according to which fat burning foods can be categorized or classified.
Being able to do so would require us to have an overview of human metabolism and nutrients use as well as of the optimal hormonal environment for fat cell metabolism.
The use of nutrients mainly consists of providing building blocks for different parts of the human body which are constantly being broken down and built up, as well as providing energy for different organs and tissues.
So fat burning foods would ideally contribute to the process of growth and repair as well as favor the use of fat as energy.
But what about the optimal hormonal environment for fat burning and how would fat burning foods contribute to creating it? When it comes to fat loss/storage, hormones are to fall into one those two categories: - they are either Lipogenic (i.
fat-storing) - or they are Lipolytic (i.
fat-releasing) So ideally, a fat-burning food would have to elevate the levels of one or more of the lipolytic hormones as while controlling or decreasing the levels of their lipogenic counterparts.
Now that we have exposed the must-have properties of fat burning foods and their basic effects , we can proceed in part 3 to classifying the fat burning foods in different categories.

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