How to File a Civil Suit in Pennsylvania
- 1). Visit the district court to file the necessary paperwork. You should file the lawsuit in the district where the person or corporation you are suing resides.
- 2). Talk to the court clerk and ask for small claims complaint. Some courts in Pennsylvania have pro se clerks who can help individuals representing themselves. Other district courts e-file the complaints, and have computer terminals at which you complete the paperwork.
- 3). Complete the small claims complaint. You will need to know the name and address of the party you are suing. Turn in the completed form to the court clerk with the filing fee. Filing fees vary depending on the county you are in and the amount you are seeking in your lawsuit.
- 4). Make copies of the complaint after it has been filed. You will receive a hearing date. It is your responsibility to serve the other party with the complaint. Hire a process server or have another adult serve the paperwork in person to the party you are suing. Be sure that the person that serves the complaint fills out an affidavit certifying that the party was served.
- 5). Attend your hearing date. Make your case and bring along any proof or witnesses.
- 1). Type up a complaint. The complaint must contain the reasons for the lawsuit. You can find complaint templates online to help you with the format.
- 2). Include a cover sheet with your complaint that details your contact information, the contact information of the person you are suing, the type of lawsuit and the amount of damages that you are seeking. Attach any documents that support your claim to the lawsuit.
- 3). File the complaint and the cover sheet at the courthouse in the Pennsylvania district where the defendant lives or the incident happened. You can file the complaint by paying a filing fee and turning in the paperwork to the court clerk. Filing fees will vary depending on the amount of damages and the county you are filing in.
- 4). Make copies of your filed complaint and receive a hearing date. You have to serve the other parties in your lawsuit. Hire a process server or have an adult not involved in the lawsuit deliver the complaint personally to the other party. The person that serves the other party also needs to complete an affidavit in Pennsylvania.
- 5). Attend your hearing date. Bring along any proof or witnesses that can help your case.