How to Get Rid of Yeast on a Dog's Skin
- 1). Give your dog oral preparations when large areas of the dog's body are affected. Oral medications should be given for several weeks, if they are to be effective.
- 2). Administer a higher dose, or use an alternative oral medication, if the yeast condition recurs. Although oral treatment must continue for a number of weeks, the dog typically experiences relief from the itchy sensations within the first week.
- 3). Wash your dog with a degreasing shampoo to remove the excess skin oils that are feeding the yeast.
- 4). Apply an anti-yeast shampoo if the degreasing treatment is not successful.
- 5). Wash your dog with a shampoo that combines both degreasing and anti-yeast properties if one or the other does not cure the problem. In all cases, the shampoo must be left on the dog's skin for at least 15 minutes before being rinsed off. This time period gives the active ingredient in the various shampoos time to combat the yeast infection.
- 6). Bathe your dog at least twice a week if you are using any type of topical shampoo to combat yeast infections.
- 7). Treat your dog's skin using acetic acid wipes if the yeast infection has only occurred in very limited areas of the body. For the treatment of such local areas, you can also use a homemade mixture of water and vinegar to swab the skin.
- 8). Treat the underlying cause of the yeast infection. Yeast infections will continue to recur unless the primary issue -- such as oily skin, impaired immune system, or allergy -- is treated. Controlling the primary cause of a yeast infection is the best way to prevent ongoing yeast problems. Change your dog's diet to include more meat if the animal is on a mainly grain diet.