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I Suffer From Midlife Weight Gain - What is it All About?

As with just about all 30 plus men I've started the dreaded midlife weight gain problem.
I'm not exactly a heavy weight yet and killing me wouldn't exactly save many whales but I'm certainly a good few sizes up on what I was in my twenties that's a fact! I haven't really changed my lifestyle or routine since my twenties either though so why I'm getting bigger is a bit of a mystery.
I still play quite a bit of sport but I dread to think what I'd look like in the sports kit I used to wear.
The tracksuit I used to wear would probably bear more likeness to a wetsuit I would imagine.
Does midlife weight gain actually exist as a phenomenon? Am I just simply over eating and blaming my age? When I look at my long term friends I can also see that they have certainly gone up a few sizes and changed shape significantly too, both my guy and gal friends and family, so I know I'm not alone in this, which is comforting but doesn't solve the problem of my sudden midlife weight gain, not to mention my shirt and waist size.
One thing I have noticed is that my eating habits have changed quite drastically over the past few years.
I never really had a sweet tooth but now I find myself popping the odd candy bar into my shopping cart and my fridge does seem to contain more 'goodies' than it used to do.
So the jury is out on this one for me.
Maybe I'm just becoming what I'm eating or maybe there is something else going on in the background to cause my weight gain in midlife.
Guess I'll just have to see how things go over the next few years.

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