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Adrenal Stress and Weight Loss

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and weigh approximately 5 grams each.
 Per gram of tissue the adrenals have one of the highest rates of blood flow and the highest concentration of vitamin C.
 There are actually two parts to the adrenal gland.
 The cortex produces the steroid hormones cortisol, DHEA and aldosterone while the medulla (inner portion) produces adrenaline and noradrenaline.
The adrenals actually function based on a circadian rhythm with the greatest amount of hormones produced early in the day and then decrease as the day progresses.
 An abnormal adrenal rhythm can wreak havoc on many functions of the body.
Excess cortisol and adrenaline production by the adrenal glands can increase body fat storage around the mid-section of the body.
 Chronic stress spikes cortisol and adrenaline levels which in turn raises blood sugar levels.
 This excess sugar is designed to help you escape from a saber-tooth tiger but if you are sitting at a desk or watching television the sugar will be stored as fat.
 In addition, your pancreas must release insulin to handle the excess blood sugar that is floating around.
 Unfortunately, insulin shuts down fat burning in each cell.
 Dehydration, blood sugar imbalances, chronic infections, anemia, skipping meals and eating too many refined carbohydrates such as cereal, bread, pasta and desserts can all contribute to adrenal stress.
Too much cortisol can also affect the function of your thyroid gland.
 Thyroid hormone is required for energy production from fat and sugar metabolism.
 This is why those with low thyroid function have difficulty losing weight.
 Cortisol actually inhibits thyroid hormone at the cellular level so stress can lead to low thyroid function.
 If you have hypothyroidism or the symptoms of hypothyroidism it could be an adrenal gland problem.
 These include: fatigue, low body temperature, depression, inability to lose weight, dry skin, low sex drive, constipation and brain fog.
DHEA is another hormone produced by the adrenal glands that is involved in fat metabolism.
 DHEA not only has powerful effects in the body but it also converts to your sex hormones including testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.
 Sex hormone balance is also very important for weight control and exercise performance.
Treatment of adrenal dysfunction requires adequate testing of cortisol and DHEA.
 Once the exact levels of adrenal hormones during your circadian rhythm are known, proper vitamin, mineral, herb and natural hormone supplementation can be implemented.
 Optimize your body's ability to burn fat by balancing your adrenal glands.

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