Reframing Prostate Cancer as 'Chronic Disease'
Reframing Prostate Cancer as 'Chronic Disease'
Dr. Daskivich: One of the advantages of PCOS is that it's a population-based outcomes study. It draws patients from diverse races, ethnicities, and different practice settings. One of the things that distinguishes it is that the outcomes can be trusted across the population, and they represent the average American male.
Dr. Resnick: That's no question. One of the initial goals of PCOS was to oversample men of diverse ethnicities. When we look at these data 15 years later, it is a nice way to draw inference about the population as a whole, in different treatment settings, communities, and across different races and ethnicities.
Dr. Daskivich: Another advantage that PCOS has over many other outcomes studies and databases is its longevity of follow-up.
Dr. Resnick: Correct.
Dr. Daskivich: The 15-year follow-up is unique and it gives us a snapshot of not only the immediate future but also the distant future. This is particularly important for men with prostate cancer because it affects older men who have a life expectancy of about 15-20 years. It gives the outcomes for their remaining lifespan.
Dr. Resnick: I think we're fortunate to be having this conversation, given that men who are diagnosed with localized prostate cancer do live 10-20 years. The survivorship experience, unlike many other tumor types, is very long-term. Our ability to use these data to shed some light on the longitudinal overall survivorship experience for men with localized prostate cancer is very rich.
Advantages of PCOS
Dr. Daskivich: One of the advantages of PCOS is that it's a population-based outcomes study. It draws patients from diverse races, ethnicities, and different practice settings. One of the things that distinguishes it is that the outcomes can be trusted across the population, and they represent the average American male.
Dr. Resnick: That's no question. One of the initial goals of PCOS was to oversample men of diverse ethnicities. When we look at these data 15 years later, it is a nice way to draw inference about the population as a whole, in different treatment settings, communities, and across different races and ethnicities.
Dr. Daskivich: Another advantage that PCOS has over many other outcomes studies and databases is its longevity of follow-up.
Dr. Resnick: Correct.
Dr. Daskivich: The 15-year follow-up is unique and it gives us a snapshot of not only the immediate future but also the distant future. This is particularly important for men with prostate cancer because it affects older men who have a life expectancy of about 15-20 years. It gives the outcomes for their remaining lifespan.
Dr. Resnick: I think we're fortunate to be having this conversation, given that men who are diagnosed with localized prostate cancer do live 10-20 years. The survivorship experience, unlike many other tumor types, is very long-term. Our ability to use these data to shed some light on the longitudinal overall survivorship experience for men with localized prostate cancer is very rich.