Health & Medical Acne

Six Steps to Popping a Pimple Correctly

To be honest with you popping a pimple should not be your first choice in getting rid of your pimples.
It seems like such a good idea, because we see results quickly.
Of course, seeing quick results is not always best.
But I understand that there are times when we have an emergency and we have only one option.
Since we have no choice I will give you six steps that you should follow to pop a pimple correctly.
The first step in popping a pimple correctly is pure common sense.
Make sure that you wash your face and your hands.
It should be a rule that you never break:never touch your face without washing your hands first.
Even though acne is not caused by dirt only, it is best to touch your face with clean hand.
The second step to pop a pimple correctly is to get a needle and sterilize it with boiling water, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
The same principle applies; you should not use an unsterilized needle to complete the next step.
The third step that you use to pop a pimple correctly is to use the needle to gently pierce the pimple.
This is where you need to be careful so that you reduce the chances of scarring.
Remember that your skin needs to be treated gently so that it can be healthy and look good.
This fourth step is a delicate one, when popping a pimple correctly.
This is where you will be extracting the liquid from the pimple.
You may have to apply a bit of gentle pressure to get the entire liquid out.
Squeezing the pip will cause scarring and may cause the liquid to get onto other parts of the skin, which can lead to another pimple.
Now that you have extracted to liquid you will need to make sure that you clean all of the excess off of your skin.
Hopefully, you have some hydrogen peroxide close by so that you can use it to clean the area that the popped pimple is in.
The reason to clean with the peroxide is to remove all of the excess bacteria.
The last step in popping a pimple correctly is to use some ice to cut down on or prevent the swelling.
You may have gotten rid of the pimple you do not want people to notice where your skin may be a little puffy.
As stated, in the beginning, popping your pimple is something you do not want to do unless you have no other options.
Additionally, do not pop the hard red, cyst pimples.
That will cause damage to your skin.
Cyst pimples have to be treated differently; this pimple popping process is for the whiteheads.
Remember that keeping clean hands, skin and needles is very important when you are dealing with our face.

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