Preventing Asthma Symptoms
Preventing Asthma Symptoms
If you have asthma, you need to do what you can to reduce your exposure to asthma triggers. Asthma triggers can aggravate your asthma symptoms -- coughing, wheezing, and difficulty catching your breath. While there’s no asthma cure, there are steps you can take to keep your asthma in control and prevent an asthma attack (worsening of asthma symptoms).
Certain asthma triggers can set off the cascade of asthma symptoms. Some asthma triggers may include:
It’s vital to learn to identify your asthma triggers and take steps to avoid them.
Keep track of your asthma symptoms in an asthma diary for several weeks, detailing all the environmental and emotional factors that are associated with your asthma. When you have an asthma attack, go back to your asthma diary to see which factor, or combination of factors, might have contributed to it. Some common asthma triggers are not always obvious, such as molds and cockroaches. Ask your asthma specialist about allergyskin testing -- or specific IgE testing -- to determine the allergens to which you have become sensitized. You can then take measures to minimize your exposure to those allergens.
If you have exercise-induced asthma or are planning vigorous exercise or exercise in cold, humid, or dry environments, prevent exercise-induced asthma by following your doctor's advice regarding asthma treatment (usually by using an asthma inhaler containing the drug albuterol).
Identify Triggers for Asthma Prevention
Certain asthma triggers can set off the cascade of asthma symptoms. Some asthma triggers may include:
It’s vital to learn to identify your asthma triggers and take steps to avoid them.
Keep track of your asthma symptoms in an asthma diary for several weeks, detailing all the environmental and emotional factors that are associated with your asthma. When you have an asthma attack, go back to your asthma diary to see which factor, or combination of factors, might have contributed to it. Some common asthma triggers are not always obvious, such as molds and cockroaches. Ask your asthma specialist about allergyskin testing -- or specific IgE testing -- to determine the allergens to which you have become sensitized. You can then take measures to minimize your exposure to those allergens.
If you have exercise-induced asthma or are planning vigorous exercise or exercise in cold, humid, or dry environments, prevent exercise-induced asthma by following your doctor's advice regarding asthma treatment (usually by using an asthma inhaler containing the drug albuterol).