Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

What Happened To Working To Get Rid Of Smoking?

Here Is The Problem, Guys! Here is the problem with trying to stop smoking: No one wants to work hard for that.
Everyone wants there to be a silver bullet: a five minute stop smoking cure.
And, yes, there are some such- but there is a Law of Nature which says this: If you get something without any real work, better take heed: Some backlash is liable to come.
Speed Trumps Everything! Our society has gotten to a point where speed is the most important thing.
"Give me a pill to lose weight, cure my depression, make me smarter, wider awake, sexier than ever, more virile than before.
I want to be rich by next week.
"Does anyone ever nudge themselves:" Hang on! Is there a downside to all of this? Is the success I get not going to last long? And could there be--way down the road-- some dread repercussion that no one speaks of now?" But It Can't Work Always! Folks used to spend hours cooking food, washing their dirty clothes, getting from here to there...
Now all that's done in a heartbeat.
Hey, I'm as guilty as all of you together.
But I say, we need to take heed that we don't think ALL OF OUR LIFE can run like that.
More Work Has To Be Done! Some things we do- crimes against us- the kind of murderwe do upon our bodies-- cannot be cleared up overnight.
When folks commit murder, they're incarcerated...
Those not caught pay in other ways.
("Penitentiaries" for those who are convicted.
) That word is built up from the word "Penitence" which implies sorrow over having sinned-and when a guy serves his time, we say he paid for his deed, and we accept him- as far as we're capable of.
But the point is, he did not serve ten minutes for any murder.
And yet smokers who are literally murdering their bodies act as if a ten minute time spent quitting their smoking is all they have to do.
It neither makes sense nor can work with that sort of mind-set.
More work has to be done.
Doesn't That Make Some Sense? Doesn't that start to make some sense? All of those quick fix plans are illusionary.
Since smoking does consist of a lot of smoke and mirrors foisted on us by the cigarette firms, the addiction is maybe not quite as helpful to our mood swings as we think in our hearts it is.
But, even if we take off half of smoke's allure, there is still much that hooks our brains and every aspect of our many other parts.
Folks Get Somewhere, But Where? So the next time you're standing at the front of a ticket line, don't try to slip through the open glass slot where you are supposed to pay for your ticket-and while the gal is away for you to buy it- Don't slip your body through and land inside without any ticket and realize even when you do that:how can you see the show? You're inside, but the guy who takes the tickets won't let you in unless you buy one.
Pay The Price For What Helps! That's the way real life is for us.
We might get inside the Theatre of Life, but we've got to get in the right way- and that's always paying for your entrance to things.
And your Entrance To Stopping Smokes is paying for a plan which is realistic in what it does for you long-term.

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