Insurance Disability Insurance

Accident at Work Claims

If you've been injured in an accident at work or injured while visiting someone at their place of work, you have a legal right to claim compensation for any damages or injury you may have suffered.
However in order to do so, and your case will be made much easier with less input from yourself, if you follow certain established procedures immediately that you have the accident.
If you are in your workplace at the time of the accident it is essential that you receive the necessary medical attention before you start to worry about the consequences of the accident at work and any subsequent claim.
Record the event If you are able to do so ensure that the time and place and details of the incident are recorded in the accident book.
Every company should have one as it is required under health and safety law and is a requirement under the employer's liability section terms and conditions of every business insurance policy.
All companies are required by law to have Employers Liability Insurance or EL Insurance as it is commonly known, cover in place to protect their employees against accidents that may occur while they are working in an establishment.
It is under this section of a commercial insurance policy that claims for injuries suffered or a result of actions that occurred in the workplace, that the claims are made on your behalf.
Most companies will have an employee whose specific responsibility is to ensure that accident details and records are kept up to date.
Often this is association with the Trade Unions, who are there to assist and help with employees welfare and rights and will often advise on accident claims and accident procedures and instruct specialist lawyers or solicitors to act on your behalf against your employers insurance company.
Do not be afraid If you have had an accident at work do not be afraid to claim because you like your employer or are afraid you might lose your job.
As an employee you have rights and the last thing that will be on an employers mind, good or bad, will be the claim which is covered by his insurance.
He should be more concerned with the circumstances that led up to the accident, your welfare and the loss of productivity.
Making a claim When it comes to instructing a firm of solicitors or lawyers to argue your case, in many cases this is most straightforward and the other sides insurance company settles out of court after being presented with the facts of the work accident.
In some cases it may go all the way to court, especially if very large sums are involved.
You needn't worry though, because if you employ the services of a national accident in the workplace specialist solicitor they will reclaim one hundred percent of the damages awarded to you at no cost to themselves.
They make their profit through their own costs claim and after the event insurance.
This enables these highly successful law firms to offer so called no win no fee services, in other words, if you have had an accident at work or whilst in the workplace, no matter how big or small, you may as well claim as you have nothing to lose!

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