Can Bleach Destroy an Ant Bed in a Yard?
- According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, chlorine bleach is a pesticide, which may be why some people believe bleach would kill ants. It is important to remember that just because something is a pesticide does not mean it is also an insecticide. A pesticide is something that helps prevent, repel or destroy pests. Bleach falls into this category because it kills mold, bacteria and viruses not because it is effective at killing insects.
- Bleach may kill a few ants, but it does little to destroy the entire colony, according to University of Arkansas entomologists Kelly Loftin and John Hopkins. Since it often causes the colony to move to a new location, it makes bleach appear more effective than it really is. The homeowner returns to find the ant nest empty and thinks the ants have all died. In reality, the ants have simply moved to a new nest a few feet away.
- Bleach should not be used on ant colonies because it may potentially contaminate groundwater, according to Loftin and Hopkins. While the Clorox Corporation claims that 95 to 98 percent of bleach breaks down during "household use," it says the remaining 2 to 5 percent is "effectively treated by sewer or septic systems." This is assuming that the groundwater under your yard will be treated by a sewer or septic system before it does any harm.
- We might think of ants as pests, but they often do more good than harm. Ants aerate the ground and increase the amount of nitrogen in soil, essentially serving the same function as earthworms.
Ants also prey on other insects including flea larvae and cockroach eggs. Even imported red fire ants have some benefits since they reduce the number of ticks and horn flies. In general, if ants are not entering your home, they are probably doing more good to your yard than harm and should be left alone.