Business & Finance Careers & Employment

The Average Salary of an Athletic Therapist

    Salary Breakdown

    • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the top 10 percent of athletic therapists earn and average of $65,140 per year. Those in the 75 percentile can expect to make $51,310 annually. Trainers in the median and 25 percentile earn $41,340 and $33,810, respectively. The bottom 10 percent makes $25,510 a year.

    Salary by Industry

    • The average salary of athletic therapists depends on the place of employment. Those working in spectator sports, elementary and secondary schools, local government or professional organizations tend to earn the most, from $49,970 to $54,710 annually. Universities, hospitals and health practitioners employ the largest number of athletic trainers in U.S., 3,660, 2,660 and 2,210, respectively. The pay range in these sectors is from $40,220 to $44,250 a year.

    Salary by State

    • Athletic trainers employed in Utah, Connecticut and District of Columbia are the top earners of the profession. Here they can make $58,920, $62,590 and $72,910 a year, respectively. The states with the highest concentration of athletic therapists per thousand workers, such as South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Montana and Vermont, have lower salary ranges, from $30,740 to $43,230, respectively.

    Salary by City

    • Athletic trainers working in the Texas cities of Houston and McAllen are in the top five, earning $57,950 and $58,360, respectively. Top dollar, $73,830 and $69,010 per year, can be earned in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Salt Lake City, Utah, respectively. Professionals living in three U.S. cities with the highest concentration of therapists per thousand workers, similar to the same situation by state, earn much less. Salaries in Charlottesville, Virginia, Lawrence, Kansas, and Winchester, Virginia, range from $24,010 to $43,350 per year.

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