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Can Pets Really Get Acne?

I bet you have never associated acne with your pet! Most of the time when we think of acne, people come to mind, especially teenagers.
Fact is, pets get acne just like humans.
Cats and dogs both get acne which can be recognized by the small red bumps and blackheads that appear around their lips and chin.
Most of the time acne does not annoy your pet.
They are not as wrapped around their vanity as many of us are.
The problem occurs when the red spots become infected.
When infection occurs it is both painful and itchy for your pet.
Unfortunately, they cannot tell you about it so just give them a once over from time to time.
Acne is pretty rare in dogs.
Certain, short haired breeds are more likely to have it than their longer haired cousins.
Bulldogs and Rottweilers are two of the breeds that have acne more often.
Canine acne usually starts when your puppy is five to eight months old and disappears by the time they reach one year old.
Feline acne is not so uncommon.
When a cat gets acne there is a good chance it will stick around for life.
Normally, it starts at around a year old and has a tendency to show up and disappear.
The cause of acne in dogs and cats has not been pinpointed.
Likely, it has to do with the oil glands overproducing the oils that exist in their skin.
This is what causes acne in humans.
Some other things that might contribute to feline/canine acne are: stress, allergic reaction, oil gland disease, dermatitis or a weakened immune system.
If you see red spots around your pets mouth and lips you should check with your vet.
This is because several other, more serious, conditions can cause similar symptoms.
Ringworm, parasites, puppy strangles and demodicosis can all cause these red spots to appear.
Your vet will need to rule out all of them in order to determine that your pet is simply suffering from an acne breakout.
Your vet will likely try one of several conventional medicines to treat your pets acne.
These are all very similar to the treatments used for human acne.
Fucus vesiculosis is a great herbal remedy that helps to keep the skin and coat healthier.
Spirulina is often used to help the body stay systemically healthy.
Make sure you tell your vet if you decide to use a homeopathic remedy so that he can be sure not to prescribe something that would react with it.

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