Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why Commercial Weight Loss Meals Are Not Good For You

Have you ever taken a serious look at what ingredients are listed on your average frozen weight loss meal? Most of them contain high fructose corn syrup, modified food starches and significant amounts of sodium.
The best of them may pass on many artificial preservatives and flavors, but the bottom end ones still count on chemicals to make food appealing.
Even harder to accept is the price.
For the same $3-4 you can spend on one of these frozen concoctions, you can make a whole day's worth of healthy meals that will promote weight loss and feel better at the same time.
Now, I'm not saying that some of the meals you can get aren't fairly nutritious and can't fit into a good diet from time to time, but look for ones that feature organic, whole ingredients.
Making your Own Weight Loss Menu How hard is it to make your own weight loss meals? Not hard at all.
It does take a bit of planning and a couple of free hours.
Something you can do to ensure several days of good meals is to hard boil a bunch of eggs, grill some chicken breasts and make a pot of oatmeal and a pot of brown rice.
Then prepare a bunch of vegetables that are easy to grab and go, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, torn lettuce, chopped peppers and the like.
Get a selection of raw nuts to munch on when you get hungry.
Peanuts taste a bit odd raw, but cashews, almonds and Brazil nuts are yummy.
They also make great nut pastes to spread on some sprouted bread for a quick bite.
Planning your meals is still a critical part of any weight loss, but that doesn't mean you have to plan for boredom.
Stop Planning for Perfection in Your Weight Loss I think the hardest thing about weight loss is viewing your dietary changes not as restrictive, but as choice.
When you choose to eat the way nature intended, you encourage your body to achieve a new balance.
Part of that process is inevitably weight loss.
There is nothing balanced about sitting down with a whole cheesecake and eating it in one sitting, but if you sit down with a great meal of a grass fed steak, a bunch of steamed broccoli, a sweet potato and a small piece of dark, organic chocolate at the end, you feel much more satisfied.
Excess is never good, not even an excess of good things.
Have you ever seen someone looking orange after eating too many carrots? I have.
Sit down once a week, or every two weeks and take a look at what your local health food store has to offer.
Plan your menus around the seasonal selections.
You don't have to eat the same thing day after day, but if you prepare several portions in advance, you can freeze some and have them later on in the week.
These frozen weight loss meals are certainly better for you than anything in the grocer's display case.
Learning how to cook in an appetizing fashion without things like sugar, iodized salt, soy sauce or other common ingredients may take a bit of effort, but the payoff is worth the work.

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