Law & Legal & Attorney Health Law

Defining Heavy Metal Toxicity and Its Concomitant Signs and Symptoms

On March 3, 2010, an article in the New York Times stated that, "All hip devices, regardless of the material, create debris as the ball rotates and rubs against the cup-like socket,". "But in metal-on-metal hips, either because of poor design or poor implant technique, the ball can sometimes press against the cup's edge. This creates a chisel-like effect referred to as ‘edge-loading' that produces large volumes of microscopic metallic particles that can cause havoc in some patients." Metal-on-metal hip replacement prostheses such as the ASR hip replacement device and the DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement System has been known to cause heavy metal toxicity in some recipients. According to the article New Hip Replacement System May Solve Heavy Metal Toxicity Problem, a new product from DePuy called the Pinnacle CoMplete Acetebular Hip System which is designed as a metal-on-ceramic type of hip replacement device can solve the problem seen in the previous types of hip replacement products. Knowing about heavy metal toxicity and the signs and symptoms one must watch out for is important.

What is Heavy Metal Toxicity?

Common heavy metals linked to heavy metal toxicity are aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. Heavy metal toxicity occurs when there is an excessive amount of heavy metal detected in the person's bloodstream. Normally, our body excretes the unwanted heavy metal in our body. Organ failure due to some disease process could also lead to a toxic build up of these type of metals.

Signs and Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity

Some signs and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity include:

    *  Nervous system malfunctions (which includes burning sensation of the extremities, numbness, tingling sensation/paresthesia, paralysis, and/or an electrifying feeling throughout the body)

    *  Brain fogging (a state of forgetfulness and confusion)

    *  Mood swings, depression, and/or anxiety

    *  Migraines and/or headaches

    *  Visual disturbances

    *  Dizziness

    *  Food allergies

    * Gastrointestinal complaints, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn,      and indigestion

    *  Chronic pain throughout the muscles and tendons or any soft tissues of the body

    *  Chronic body malaise (a general feeling of discomfort, fatigue, and illness)

    *  Chronic infections such as Candidiasis

Heavy metal toxicity is often confused with chronic disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, multiple sclerosis, among others that is why if you feel you or your loved on is experiencing any of the given signs and symptoms, better consult your doctor immediately. For those who were affected by faulty DePuy hip devices, a hip replacement recall was issued. If your are interested to learn more about this case, you can visit related sites available.

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