Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Home Stomach Ulcer Care Treatments

    Drink Water

    • For a quick remedy for pain, drink a large glass of water. This dilutes the stomach acids and flushes them out of the gastrointestinal system.

    Eat Soft and Frequent Meals

    • During pain, eat small meals with soft foods such as avocados, potatoes, bananas, squash and yams. Instead of three large meals, eat small and frequently.

    Foods to Avoid

    • Stay away from all fried foods, caffeine, animal fats, chocolate, coffee (even decaffeinated) and any carbonated drinks. Also avoid sugar and salt as they increase the production of stomach acids.

    No Smoking or Alcohol

    • Do not smoke, as nicotine can delay or even prevent the healing of ulcers. Avoid alcoholic beverages.

    Consume Greens

    • Add plenty of dark green leafy vegetables to the diet. These contain vitamin K, which is needed for healing, and many people may be deficient in this nutrient.

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