Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

What is Dermatitis and What Are Their Symptoms?

Dermatitis is a term that means "inflammation of the skin", it can be of various types: contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (eczema) are just some of them, and it usually comes up as red, swollen and itchy skin (keep in mind that this condition can appear in many forms varying on each person).
Dermatitis is more common than you may think, and although it affects the way the skin looks, it is no threat to our lives and cit isn't contagious.
It is important to notice that there is no cure to this condition yet, but you can learn to control it and treat it.
Symptoms of Dermatitis Since dermatitis appears in different types, the symptoms may vary, however the common ones that appear are: redness, itchy skin, swelling and lesions in the skin.
Among the different types of dermatitis we can find: -Contact dermatitis.
This is a rash that appears after the skin has come in contact with another object that is either irritant or allergy-producing.
-Atopic dermatitis.
This type is commonly known as eczema, this is a chronic condition.
Another chronic itchy skin condition that only appears on certain areas or spots.
-Seborrheic dermatitis.
This is a type of dermatitis that appears more often in hairy areas, on the scalp and face and produces dandruff.
-Perioral dermatitis.
A type of dermatitis that appears surrounding the mouth.
-Stasis dermatitis.
This type is caused by accumulation of fluid under the skin of the legs.
Diagnosis of dermatitis must be first determined by a doctor before following treatment.

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