The Best Ways to Deal With Heartburn
The holidays are almost here, and with them comes meal after meal of rich food.
If you suffer from heartburn, you have much cause to worry.
Is there any way to enjoy the holiday fare without having to deal with the familiar burning sensation under your breastbone? Here are some tips you can follow to reduce the risk of heartburn this season.
#1 - Exercise more.
It would seem that overweight people suffer from more frequent and more intense bouts of heartburn than normal people.
If you're a few pounds overweight, try to get a little exercise everyday to give your body a break.
Who knows? Losing that extra weight may mean you won't have to spend all that extra money on medications.
#2 - Find your heartburn triggers.
Many times, heartburn is caused by the intake of certain foods.
Try to find out which foods trigger your own bouts of heartburn, and make sure you avoid them at all costs.
#3 - Taking meds.
Common heartburn medications such as Tums, Mylanta, and Pepcid may give instant relief -- you just need to find the brand that works best for you.
Of course, it's never the best idea to rely on medications -- some may not work well for you, and may even make things worse.
Make sure you read the labels to avoid products with ingredients you may be allergic to.
Taking medications should actually be your last resort in your fight against heartburn.
In the end, nothing beats living a healthy lifestyle -- eating the right kinds of food, doing the right kinds of exercises, and getting the right amounts of sleep.
The healthier you are, the less susceptible you become to common ailments such as heartburn.
Keep these tips in mind, and you'll soon know how to deal with your bouts of heartburn even before they come along.
If you suffer from heartburn, you have much cause to worry.
Is there any way to enjoy the holiday fare without having to deal with the familiar burning sensation under your breastbone? Here are some tips you can follow to reduce the risk of heartburn this season.
#1 - Exercise more.
It would seem that overweight people suffer from more frequent and more intense bouts of heartburn than normal people.
If you're a few pounds overweight, try to get a little exercise everyday to give your body a break.
Who knows? Losing that extra weight may mean you won't have to spend all that extra money on medications.
#2 - Find your heartburn triggers.
Many times, heartburn is caused by the intake of certain foods.
Try to find out which foods trigger your own bouts of heartburn, and make sure you avoid them at all costs.
#3 - Taking meds.
Common heartburn medications such as Tums, Mylanta, and Pepcid may give instant relief -- you just need to find the brand that works best for you.
Of course, it's never the best idea to rely on medications -- some may not work well for you, and may even make things worse.
Make sure you read the labels to avoid products with ingredients you may be allergic to.
Taking medications should actually be your last resort in your fight against heartburn.
In the end, nothing beats living a healthy lifestyle -- eating the right kinds of food, doing the right kinds of exercises, and getting the right amounts of sleep.
The healthier you are, the less susceptible you become to common ailments such as heartburn.
Keep these tips in mind, and you'll soon know how to deal with your bouts of heartburn even before they come along.