Health & Medical Lose Weight

Losing Weight the Scientific Way

Now don't be spooked when I say lose weight via the scientific method.
What I mean is that you need to take measurable numbers or data, and from there you keep adjusting and tailoring your data until you achieve your weight loss objective.
As you may know, there are many people who get fed up and decide to lose weight once and for all.
It is because they are tired of putting it off year after year.
But the way they go about it can be extreme or random at best.
Then they end up with results which are less than satisfying, and the frustration cycle never ends.
If you are one of those people, then you should take a deep breath and take one step back so you can see a better and clearer picture of how to tackle this obesity problem.
It is not only an individual problem, but it is an epidemic problem not only in the United States of America.
but to many other countries.
Where to Start and How to Tackle This Issue First you need to realize what it exactly is that you can accomplish within the next two months which is a time example.
An important rule of losing body fat is that you don't want to lose more than 2 pounds per week and preferably one pound per week.
Why you might ask? Well, it has been shown in scientific studies, and most importantly in my view, are the empirical experiments that losing more than two pounds leads to lost muscle tissue.
There can be too much lost muscle tissue which is not good at all.
The whole idea of weight loss is to minimize muscle tissue loss and at the same time maximize body fat loss.
That is what differentiates a good personal trainer, dietitian, or sports coach from the inexperienced ones.
Strategy One You must determine your neutral daily caloric intake which is the number of calories you can eat every day without either losing or gaining body weight.
Strategy Two After establishing your neutral daily caloric intake, you need to stick with that caloric intake by tailoring your meals around that amount of calories, if I may call it, the magic number.
If it was 2,450 calories per day, then you want to consume three meals totaling 2,450 calories.
Then you need to move your butt and start working out so you can create a caloric deficit of 200 to 400 calories, and that is for Strategy Two.
As you may or may not know, it relatively takes a lot of work to burn 400 calories during a weight resistance workout or cardiovascular training.
You can burn about 130 calories after 4 to 5 miles of running which feels like walking to the moon round trip or something like that.
The idea here is you need to follow methodical steps, and you must track them so you know what is working and what is not.
Then you can modify it and progress, period.

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