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The Importance of Motorcycle Safety Gear

If you asked all of America's motorcycle owners why they ride, there is a good chance most of them would mention the exhilarating sensation of freedom they feel while riding on the open road.
Yet feeling the wind rush past your face on your bike is only possible because motorcycles do not surround their riders the way that cars and trucks do.
This also means they lack safety features like seat belts and crumple zones.
For that reason, it's important to wear the right safety gear when you ride.
The single most important piece of safety gear you can wear is a helmet.
Although some bikers refuse to wear helmets, it's a simple fact that an unprotected human head is damaged much more easily than one protected by a helmet.
If it's acceptable for football players to wear helmets on the field, remember that the impact of an angry linebacker is nothing compared to hitting the pavement at 60mph.
Head injuries may be the most serious risk for anyone riding a motorcycle, but other dangers should be taken seriously as well.
Wearing a pair of heavy boots is the best way to protect your feet and ankles, but in some cases sturdy athletic shoes can work well enough.
Nonetheless, any serious biker should own at least one pair of riding boots.
Protective eyewear is another important piece of safety equipment.
Eyewear improves your visibility and protects your eyes.
Make sure your eyewear is plastic and not glass.
If you wear glasses, buy protective eyewear to fit over them and ask your eye doctor to help you find a way to drive safely.
You should also wear heavy clothing that will protect you from serious cuts and scrapes if you fall.
For more information on motorcycle safety and motorcycle accident law, visit the website of the Iowa motorcycle injury attorneys at the Pete Leehey Law Firm, P.

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